𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝒐𝒏𝒆.

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hyundae called all the members to the living room. "i just wanted to call you to make sure we're all not keeping any lies between us, like someone in the room." the trainee looked at seungyeon after that.

the rest of them were confused as they looked at each other, shaking their heads.

"what are you trying to say hyundae? this is a fair competition no?" seungyeon said.

"stop trying to condemn me because you know you don't have the right to," hyundae slightly raised his voice: "do you think you have the right to be on the team?"

"hey," as minjun got up to defend her, team leader han came in to prevent a fight.

meanwhile, haemin walked through the corridors of mnh entertainment, desperately trying to find seungyeon.

"why are you guys starting fights?" team leader han asked, "do you all wish to be chased out of here?"

"the people who are chased out of here, ought to be the girls!" hyundae corrected her and seungyeon, minjun and team leader's han eyes widened in shock whilst everyone else is surprised, wondering what he was talking about.

hyundae raised an eyebrow, "well team leader han," he mused: "you must know since you're not that surprised. since you knew then, isn't it basically deceiving the other members?"

haemin heard hyundae's voice and followed it to the room.

"how long were you planning to hide kim seungyeon's a girl!" hyundae said as he stood up angrily.

junhyeon scoffed, "come on that's not the case."

"right," jisub tinued: "why are you making such dumb accusations?"

"ask her yourself, or ask the guy who shared the same room as her or if you wanna know about her being the presiden'ts niece, ask team leader han."

all the members began muttering between themselves but before anyone can respond, a voice rings out. "kim seungyeon, you're a girl?" haemin steps forward, a stunned expression on his face and seungyeon turns to him, her eyes wide and uncertain of how to explain the situation.

seungyeon hastily stood up, "haemin-" but before she could say anything, he left while the other members wonder about the truth they've just been told.

"haemin i'll explain everything," team leader han said as he walked out, but jisub spoke up.

"if there's an explanation, it better happen with everyone around. seungyeon.. is it true?"

junhyeon was still in shock, "seungyeon say it isn't," he entreated.

but all seungyeon can say is: "i'm sorry."

in a daze, haemin paced back and forth outside the room and seungyeon rises, as if to run up to him and explain everything but minjun stops her and the idol just walks away.

the 8turn junior members sit around and now begin to realize all the instances when seungyeon had conveniently slipped away or been called away.

matthew tells her, "although it isn't a good thing, there's no need to say sorry. what's wrong with being a girl? it's 2023 maybe there should be more co-ed groups."

gunwook also pipes up, "it takes guts for a girl to audition for a boy's group bravely!" but the others aren't so forgiving and come to the conclusion she got this far because of her connections.

however, she reminds them: "it was a blind audition and until i was chosen, even my uncle knew nothing about it. i'm sorry and, i only did this because i really wanted to become a singer."

juntaek snaps at her, "this reason isn't enough for what she did. is there anyone here who doesn't want to be a singer in this room? she almost trampled over the dreams of seven other people in her greed to be a singer. and all she can do is mutter an apology?"

on the way home, haemin broods. the idol flashes back to the pictures on seungyeon's phone he'd seen and every time she'd over reacted like a girl, well now he knew that she was.

"fuck you jung haemin, for being so naive," he mumbled to himself.


seungyeon came up to haemin's house and after deliberation, sits at the door, unable to ring the bell. much later, she firms her resolve, and rings the bell whilst muttering, "sunbaenim, please open the door. there's something i must tell you."



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i'm outside

could you open the door pls



with no response even on his phone, she enters the code and goes in.

"sunbae! haemin!" seungyeon called out as she walked in. however, since he was taking a shower, haemin couldn't hear her.

he finally emerges from his bedroom after lazily slipping on some clothes, unaware that she's there. however, once he sees seungyeon, he widens his eyes and quickly zipped up his hoodie.

"what are you doing here? get lost," he says, unhappy to see her.

"can you at least listen to what i have to say-"

haemin cuts seungyeon off: "why? there's still some lies left behind? were you happy all this time? like an idiot, i fell for your lies, i even believed you when you said we were friends. even though i knew you were a boy, like a crazy person i still... just get out."

seungyeon was stunned by his outburst and mutters: "i'm sorry," before accepting defeat and leaving his house.

outside, seungyeon sat on the steps below, crying. meanwhile at the dorm, minjun waits up all night and worries when she doesn't come up to go to bed.


⏱️ : 7am.


in the morning, seungyeon woke up in front of haemin's house on the steps due to the disturbance of the mailman coming around on his bike and throwing the newspaper next to her.

the girl got up and sighed as she looked up at the house, heading back to the dorms in a daze.

once she reaches, the members are also in a bit of a daze, still in disbelief that she's a girl and therefore, they go about their day half-heartedly. all are worried for her, but not all have forgiven her yet.

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