𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒚-𝒔𝒊𝒙.

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minjun and seungyeon walked into the mnh entertainment building whilst conversing in content. as they walked up the stairs, they bumped into jihyun.

"ah hyung!" they both said at the same time and bowed at their manager.

"you have a day off right?" the eldest asked.

"yeah, me and seungyeon went out together!" minjun cheered.

"what's the fun in that?" jihyun questioned to himself.

"is haemin sunbae in there?" seungyeon eagerly asked.

"ah, i think he's with inah. what's up with them two?" he mumbled the question to himself before continuing: "anyways, rest wellll," jihyun said as he walked away.


haemin sat across from his ex, "why are you taking that song?"

"isn't it for me? when you performed it at the hospital, you said it was for your friend, who else could it be for?"

the idol scoffed, "yeah well it's not you, keep dreaming."

"then who's it for huh?"

"none of your business. am i mad, why did i even come here?" haemin said to himself as he got up, ready to walk out.

that was until inah hastily followed his movements and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a very unwanted back hug, "don't be like that haemin."

"get off."

"let's stop hurting each other and be how we were in the past."

"are you filming a drama or something? let go," the older finally pulled her arms off himself, rolling his eyes once she grabbed his wrist.

"when are you gonna stop acting like this haemin? have you forgotten my confidence?" when she heard footsteps getting louder, inah quickly leaned in and pressed her lips against the other's.

seungyeon sighed and stopped in front of the partly open door once she saw the two, her breath hitching as she quickly left.

haemin hastily pulled the latter off of himself once he heard the footsteps, looking outside in order to see who it was but when he didn't see anyone, he just took a deep breath: "stop doing this in the future, it's annoying." after that, he walked out.

minjun quickly went after seungyeon who was walking at a much faster pace whilst covering her face.

"what's wrong seungyeon?" after he caught up, he grabbed the girl's wrist and once she turned around - he saw the sight of tears rolling down her cheeks.

"you're crying? because of haemin?"

"no... it's just-"

"do you know how mad i am. i've always been beside you but now you're crying over some other guy and it's making me mad."

seungyeon sniffled, "that's right. it's always me you have to comfort. are you gonna comfort me now?"

"i'll always comfort you from now on but, never cry over that guy. no, never cry over any guy. i don't like that. in my eyes, you're not a guy, i wanna be someone who protects you."

"don't joke around minjun i'm not in the mood-"

"i'm not joking! kim seungyeon, i really like you!"

haemin, who was in a blind spot watching from the wall, furrowed his eyebrows.

"i'm confessing to you right now, i like you."

seungyeon just looked up at her best friend, confused. meanwhile, haemin's fist clenched.

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