𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒚-𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕.

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meanwhile, haemin struggled in the kitchen pouring his cereal with one hand. the boy tried to pour milk, but it ended up spilling everywhere. he scoffed and threw the bowl of cereal in the sink.

when he heard footsteps behind him, he furrowed his eyebrows and turned around - only to see seungyeon, again.

"what are you doing here now?"

seungyeon sighed, "making you breakfast. because i came to visit you, i haven't even had my own breakfast yet." the girl walked up to haemin and when he didn't budge, she looked him up and down. "move out of the way," she said, pushing him aside.

kimchi egg, korean chicken porridge and, korean egg roll

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kimchi egg, korean chicken porridge and, korean egg roll.

the two sat across from each other on his dining table. "you call this a meal?" haemin asked in disbelief.

"i don't know how to make anything else, what do you expect? no matter what, these are my favourite easy dishes. i ate these everyday back in england," she said whilst picking her chopsticks up.

haemin's eyes widened and he looked up at her face from the dishes, "you grew up in england?"

"i went there for my studies for a little while."

"then, you're back just to become a singer?"

"well, something like that."

"ohhh," haemin muttered to himself in amazement before grabbing his chopsticks, left hand trembling whilst holding them as he tried to grab an egg roll.

now playing: night - dreamnote.

seungyeon sighed and opened his rice for him, getting some seaweed and wrapping it like a roll. the trainee held it in her hand in front of him, haemin scoffed after; but seungyeon just insisted by bringing it closer.

haemin hesitantly leaned forward and opened his mouth as seungyeon fed him. the younger repeated it and did the same, haemin just smiled whilst getting fed.

seungyeon looked down, clearing her throat, "thank you."

"what?" haemin asked with his mouth full.

"i was okay because of you yesterday."

haemin swallowed his food and smirked whilst looking away, "it was just a reflex. i am someone athletic after all." the boy cleared his throat, "ah i lost my appetite. make sure you wash the dishes clean."

as he walked away, seungyeon just grinned and shook her head. haemin smiled profusely as he walked to the living room, "idiot. his recation could be compared to a snail's." then, his attention got diverted when his front door opened. and it was jihyun.

"huh? didn't i tell you to cancel my events today?"

"well, someone said that you can't eat properly because your hand is injured so..." at that moment, inah walked in and held up a paper bag.

"i've brought chungbok porridge for you. eating porridge in the morning is good for you."

after that, seungyeon entered where they were from the kitchen, she stood next to haemin and bowed, "hello," she said to inah, still shocked that she was here.

inah's smile dropped as she slowly lowered the paper bag, "why are you here early in the morning?"

jihyun got involved, "ah he's here to tell haemin that he-"

"i called him over," haemin interrupted him; "because i have something to ask him."

after a few tension-filled stares, seungyeon cleared her throat, "i... i'll be leaving first, good bye."

whilst she was walking out, haemin got angrier - "hey jihyun hyung! didn't i say not to let people in just like that?"

"don't be like that," inah started: "i forced him to let me in to deliver breakfast."

"i've already eaten," he said angrily, "so grab your stuff and get out. and never enter this house again. because of you, i'm starting to hate this house."

hyundae waited for the academy teacher to arrive and when he did, he quickly bowed with a bright smile on his face

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hyundae waited for the academy teacher to arrive and when he did, he quickly bowed with a bright smile on his face. "hello."

"i'm sorry," the old man said, "is the appointment too sudden?"

"no no sir it's fine."

"you know why i'm looking for you right? this summer, there's a competition in italy. if you're returning to school next semester, you have to get ready soon."

hyundae sighed, "about that, i have to wait until my current project ends. i'm sorry."

"while this is something you have to decide on your own, i just think that it's a waste."

hyundae pressed his lips into a thin line.

then, the teacher started again, "oh right. the other day, you were with professor kim's daughter weren't you?"

the trainee's eyebrows furrowed in confusion; "who?"

"the kid that came with you. looks like donghwa college's professor kim's little daughter."

"even though his surname is 'kim' aswell, he's a boy."

the old man tilted his head, "oh then i must've been mistaken," he laughed nervously. "besides, professor kim's daughter is still studying in england, how could she be here?"

"england?!" hyundae asked in disbelief.

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