𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝒔𝒊𝒙.

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after a few hours of the trainees all sitting on their shared couches deciding on how they could possibly collect 40,000 signatures, most of them fell asleep. except seungyeon. she looked up at the ceiling, trying to think of everything they could do. that was until she was interrupted by someones music blaring through their headphones, only to look to her side to find that it was matthew.

matthew's head was to the side with his headphones still on, hugging a sketchpad in his sleep. seungyeon's eyebrows furrowed as she carefully climbed over junhyeon to get his sketchpad, cautiously getting it out from underneath his arms. once she got hold of it, she flicked through t, in awe of seeing sketches and cartoony drawings of all the trainees.

"wow," she whispered in amazement, quickly waking everyone up. "hey! seunghwan hyung! minjun-ah! junhyeon hyung!" she said as she dragged junhyeon up into a sitting position and everyone woke up.

"i got it! you remember those videos for our auditions?"

"hm?" everyone replied, showing they knew what she was on about.

"well," the girl continued, "let's do it that way!"

minjun rubbed his eyes and looked at her, "make videos?"

seungyeon nodded before minjun carried on, "when will we prepare it? we just need to prepare a song and dance, how's that gonna catch people's attention?"

junhyeon groaned, "it wasn't even anything important and you woke me up," after that, he leaned back in order to go to sleep again, but seungyeon sighed and dragged him back up by the sleeve of his hoodie.

"we can make them stand out!" seungyeon cheered before flipping the sketchpad and showing matthew's drawing of jisub, "we can make our stories just the way it is."

everyone looked at the drawing intently, especially matthew. "shit," he cursed, "hey kim seungyeon. aren't you going to give that to me?" he tried reaching for it but seungyeon just pulled back.

"these are the characters matthew hyung drew. we can use these and minjun's printer. we can make a music video and done!"

"i said give it to me," matthew tried reaching for it but seungyeon just threw it to jisub who caught it.

jisub flicked through it, "these are great," he said.

matthew stood up, "give it to me," but the leader just threw it to juntaek, who smirked whilst looking through the drawings and when matthew moved to get it, he threw it to seunghwan and gunwook.

matthew stood up, "give it to me," but the leader just threw it to juntaek, who smirked whilst looking through the drawings and when matthew moved to get it, he threw it to seunghwan and gunwook

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minjun scanned the drawings through the printer onto his computer. hyundae and juntaek helped come up with a story for the characters. hyundae and jisub prepared the choreography. junhyeon and seungyeon wrote a song for the juniors. seunghwan and matthew were responsible for the editing.

that night, after everyone worked hard and had already fallen asleep, seungyeon went downstairs to get some water

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that night, after everyone worked hard and had already fallen asleep, seungyeon went downstairs to get some water. however, she paused when she saw gunwook walking in with his guitar on his back. she walked up to the latter whilst he was walking to the stairs, gripping his bicep to stop him.

"where have you been? everyone's been looking for you."

gunwook sighed and moved his arm a bit to get her hand off, "none of your business. i'm tired." gunwook walked past her, pushing a hand through his hair whilst walking up to the stairs. seungyeon turned and looked at him, tilting her head to try and think of what was wrong.

then, she was interrupted by juntaek, "seungyeon, they asked us to meet them in the recording room. the song has to be finished."

seungyeon gasped as her eyes widened in shock, "really? ah, let's wake them all up then!"

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