𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝒐𝒏𝒆.

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meanwhile, haemin was just laying down on his couch, flicking through the channels on his tv before sighing: "so many channels but nothing to watch," he complained and threw the remote somewhere on the couch, looking up at his ceiling with both hands behind his head, "there's nobody i can call on to play with right now."

"should i try calling yoonsung?" he asked himself before eagerly getting his phone out of his pocket and dialling his member.

"hyung! are you busy right now?"

"ah haemin-ah i'm busy settling someone," yoonsung said as he balanced his phone between his ear and neck and carried on playing on his nintendo switch, "how come you never ever treat your members to a meal? stingy brat," he said to seungheon who was next to him, battling him in the game.

"hyung, return me the 1000 won you borrowed from me that one time," seungheon clapped back, "how could you borrow from me without returning?"

"that was just 1000 won." yoonsung said as he was fixated on the game, smirking when he realised he was winning: "forget about that 1000 won, get ready to suffer!" he cheered once he won, and seungheon just sulked and side-eyed the boy who was celebrating.

"one more round!" seungheon demanded.

yoonsung looked at the younger and gave in, "just one more!" the maknae cheered as they started another round.

kyungmin and yungyu looked like zombies whilst watching the two.

"they are at it again..." yungyu mumbled, to which kyungmin replied:

"that's why you should never challenge yoonsung hyung to a game."

on the other hand, haemin just looked at his phone confused and shook his head, hanging up, "what's the point of conversing with these guys? they can't quit it when they're in a game." haemin just let out a big sigh as he threw his head back, "jung haemin, you've led a meaningless life," he said to himself. the boy seemed to be in deep thought, and then he realised something - quickly sitting up.

"nobody i can call to play with?" he said with a smirk, "but there's ones i can call to bully," he said before dialling seungyeon's number, eyebrows knitting together in confusion when he heard the automated message say: 'i'm sorry, the number you have just dialled is switched off.'

haemin looked at his phone, "huh?" the boy then tried again. and again. and again.

"you're going to ignore my number?" he asked whilst looking at seungyeon's contact; then he called his manager.

"hey jihyun, find that pervert."

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