𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝒕𝒘𝒐.

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⏱️ : later that day.

hyunsuk called a meeting for all the 8turn juniors to decide the future of seungyeon.

the group still says they feel like they've been cheated but team leader han cuts them down to size: "do you think you'd have gotten this far if it was revealed that seungyeon was a girl from the very beginning? if word gets out, there is no 'survival'. you guys have to believe in each other, now are you going to expose seungyeon for being a girl or are you going to take her back in and become one team again?"

"both," hyunsuk suddenly spoke up, shocking everyone. "co-ed groups exist. and, i don't think many netizens will be angered, after all it was a blind audition and seungyeon captured many fans through her piano and singing. the news is set to release in a few hours, the survival show will go on as normal. thank you." the meeting was dismissed.



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haemin reached home and got out of his car as he sighed, taken aback when he saw seungyeon in front of his house. but this time, she had long open hair instead of that wig and a little bit of makeup on. it was easier for haemin to see her as a girl in this light, but he still felt deceived.

"five minutes," is all he says and her eyes widen once she looks up at him whilst he opens the gate with the code.

the two sat in haemin's living room.

"i'm sorry and i wanted to tell you, which is why i went to the airport as well. it was all because i wanted to become a singer and the chances for that are already slim, so i simply took the chance i could. i hope you'll forgive me," she says.

touched by her words, but still angry, he tells her: "leave and i'll pretend i never heard what you just said. i was already feeling bad about kicking you out last time without giving you a chance to explain because you were the one who taught me many things. i wanted to understand what feeling it was that forced you to do all that and i was even happy when i saw you in front of my house again. but now that i've heard what you have to say, i feel like kicking you out the last time was the best decision i made.  it would be better if you didn't come looking for me again. at least then, i won't be so disappointed and angry at you."

seungyeon still couldn't understand what she did wrong so he lays it out for her, "the person you need to seek forgiveness from isn't me. you wanted to stand on the stage even when chances were rare and you probably took away someone else's chance. that's undermining someone. go and seek forgiveness from the right people, or forever be running away from it."

the trainee looked at the older with teary eyes. by now, she's completely broken down and crying and although haemin looks like he wants to comfort her, he holds back.


the junior members are meanwhile having a hard time wondering what to do. all the lost members means they have to give up on the showcase that's coming up.

"seungyeon's mistake isn't the end of the world, you guys really need to be open-minded." matthew pointed out.

the others agree with him, except hyundae.

"the worst is hyundae, for reporting the whole thing." junhyeon said.

before a fight breaks out, seungyeon comes in hastily, followed by minjun.

seungyeon kneeled on the floor in front of the members: "i'm really sorry, please give me another chance." minjun kneels with her and apologizes.

everyone except minjun accepts them back, not really focusing on seungyeon's appearance since, it's normal for a girl to look like that?

"seungyeon, you're buying me tteokboki for the rest of the month now," gunwook said to make himself feel better.

the girl smiled, "i will, thank you for taking me back."



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🗓️ : the next day:


they're all practicing with their teacher again when haemin walks past, catching sight of them as he walked back and started watching them from the door. when haemin spots seungyeon singing with the rest, he lets out a smile until inah comes and drags him away to the café inside the building.

inah and haemin sit together in the café discussing their duet (she's the one doing the discussing). when seungyeon walks up, she quickly turns back after seeing them and runs away.

catching sight of her, haemin gives chase. outside, seungyeon mumbles to herself: "i simply misunderstood haemin's word. why would he be interested in someone like me? i must've heard wrong." by the time haemin comes, she's gone.

inah scoffed and glared at the door that had just been swung open by haemin, "now that her gender's been revealed, all the spotlights on her..."

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