𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒚-𝒔𝒊𝒙.

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team leader han walked into her office, putting on a fake smile when she saw inah there. "sorry, the meeting with the president got extended."

inah was flicking through a magazine, "i just came too."

after team leader han sat down, inah started. "so, has haemin-ah agreed?"

"ah, i wanted to meet you in regards to that. mmm, a duet album could be worked on later."

inah rolled her eyes, "i think i've already made my stance clear."

"what i mean issss, i'm not cancelling the album. you've taken a long break previously, so it's better to release your solo album first."

"instead of releasing me and haemin's duet album, you want me to release a solo album? that's not too bad of a thought, i'll consider it."

"oh! and one more thing. i hope you'll give vocal lessons to the juniors."

"find someone else."

"it's just for two months. since you have to come to the company about the album anyways, don't you?"

inah fake smiled, "you're trying to tie me to the company so that i won't get close to haemin right?"

"that's not it, it's a request from the ceo."

"ceo? i'll consider it."

beads of sweat droplets ran down haemin's face as he was on the treadmill in the gym, patting his face with the towel around his neck

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beads of sweat droplets ran down haemin's face as he was on the treadmill in the gym, patting his face with the towel around his neck.

"yes team leader, i'll tell him," jihyun said, hanging up.

at that point, haemin came to a gradual stop and kept patting himself down, "what is it?"

"you've got a new schedule tonight." jihyun said after handing haemin a water bottle. after he said that, haemin stopped himself from taking a sip and looked up at him through his brown locks.

"team leader han says you have to show up..."

"so annoying, i'm not going. wait, what movie is it?"

seungyeon sighed as she picked up haemin's phone, "what?"

"'what?' again? why do you always answer my phone like that?"

"hey hyun- i mean, sunbae. i'm in the middle of my training, what do you want?"

"i got it. do you like movies?"

"hm? why are you talking about movies all of a sudden?"

"just answer me, do you like them or not?"

seungyeon sighed, "i like itttt."

"that's enough, i'm hanging up," haemin said with a smile on his face, hanging up - leaving a confused seungyeon on the other side of the phone.

"that's enough, i'm hanging up," haemin said with a smile on his face, hanging up - leaving a confused seungyeon on the other side of the phone

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haemin arrived the cinema where the scheduled event was that evening. despite many tries to get in touch with seungyeon, she didn't answer so he just left it. but once he saw her and inah sitting together waiting for him - his jaw nearly stopped.

 but once he saw her and inah sitting together waiting for him - his jaw nearly stopped

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after seungyeon got off the phone with haemin, she cleared her throat and shoved her hands in her pockets. the girl was making her way back to practice until she bumped into someone, quickly bowing and apologising.

when she looked up, it was inah. "hey, seungyeon right?" she said, and the only reason she remembered her was because she saw how jealous haemin was backstage at the showcase, and she didn't forget it.

"oh um, yes sunbaenim."

when she looked back up from bowing, she saw inah writing something on a piece of paper and shhe quickly placed it in seungyeon's hand. "seungyeon-ah, consider this as a date?"

seungyeon choked on her own saliva as the idol walked away, widening her eyes when she saw the note and how sudden inah was asking her on a date?

'8:30pm, cinema. make sure u come in a suit <3.'

seungyeon fixed her tie as she sat next to inah and looked at the screen in front

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seungyeon fixed her tie as she sat next to inah and looked at the screen in front.

"hi haemin-ah."

when seungyeon heard this, her eyes widened as she turned her head and looked at the stairs where haemin was walking up in HIS suit.

the three sat awkwardly, inah in the middle of the two. whenever seungyeon turned to the side and peeked at haemin, she just saw him loosen his tie and take his blazer off, rolling up his sleeves out of frustration and anger.

jihyun walked up the stairs with haemin's coffee, finally reaching their row. "here min, your coffee" jihyun tripped on air so haemin quickly held him up by his shoulders so he didn't fall. however, this unfortunately caused the piping hot coffee to spill all over haemin's bare arm.

seungyeon gasped and jolted forward as haemin pressed his lips into a thin line and looked to her for help.

"a-are you alright haemin?" jihyun asked as the idol groaned.

inah quickly grabbed onto his shoulder, "are you okay? is it painful? let's go out first, huh?" as the boy was getting dragged away by inah, his eyes didn't leave seungyeon - almost like he was asking her for help. not just to get away from inah though, he wanted her help.

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