𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕.

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"oppas! is that really you guys?" one of the girls asked.

the juniors went out around the streets to promote their videos and fan club. seunghwan, seungyeon and minjun had approached two girls in the street who looked like they kept up with 8turn and really just the most recent music.

"yes!" seungyeon cheered, "you see this cafe address here?" she pointed to the bottom of her phone, "you can go there and join the fan cafe. also, show this to your friends okay?"

"ah, can't we take a photo for once?" the girl asked seungyeon with a hopeful look on her face, and seungyeon's smile immediately dropped.

"what just once..." she said in a deep tone pretending to be annoyed, before quickly switching up with a bright smile on her face, "take as many as you want!"

" she said in a deep tone pretending to be annoyed, before quickly switching up with a bright smile on her face, "take as many as you want!"

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"wow amazing... so handsome," primarily students said as they showed each other and their classmates' 8turn juniors music video and even introduced them to the fan cafe.

juntaek, jisub, gunwook and junhyeon sat in the recording room and watched the number of how many fans joined the fan club, smiling as it kept increasing. students at the internet cafe after school also showed their friends who gushed over the juniors, who told their friends, who told their friends.

 students at the internet cafe after school also showed their friends who gushed over the juniors, who told their friends, who told their friends

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after his meeting, one of the women who worked at the building walked haemin and jihyun out.

"ah! i also heard there are 8turn juniors at haemin's company" after the woman said this, haemin looked at her confused but quickly brushed it off by putting a smile on his face.

"their video was really awesome!" she continued before jihyun started:

"the kids prepared that themselves and uploaded it."

"i joined the fan cafe too."

"oh! thank you!" jihyun said and bowed. whilst these two were talking, haemin just looked to tje side and tilted his head in confusion before brushing it off once again.

 whilst these two were talking, haemin just looked to tje side and tilted his head in confusion before brushing it off once again

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on the dark evening/night drive back, haemin just watched the juniors video on his iPad.

"they're good right?" jihyun said whilst driving, "team leader han said she'll put them on the home page if they surpass 45,000 people. that's why the kids worked hard day and night. they worked REALLY hard. god that team leader han is really-"

"please," haemin cut him off, "stop. i... i don't need to care about them."

"don't care? you're still watching their video..." jihyun mumbled to himself and haemin just sighed - looking out the window.

all trainees sat in their living room with a laptop on the coffee table in front of them

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all trainees sat in their living room with a laptop on the coffee table in front of them.

'10,000 people in 8TURN Juniors fanclub.'

"there are just 10,000 now," seungyeon said as she sighed and rested her head in her hands.

"there's still one day left," gunwook said beside her.

"do you think they'll all sign up for our fan cafe after watching that video?" hyundae said.

"i don't get it though! all the response was good..." junhyeon said in reply.

minjun sighed as he looked at the hate comments on his tablet, "they didn't all like it though..." he said as he passed it to gunwook who sat in the centre so everyone could see it.

the comments read:

'you dirtbags!'

'these fake 8turns make me wanna gauge my eyes out...'

'seungyeon? you call that rapping... even my friends can rap better than u.'


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"yes. you worked hard," team leader han said as she held the phone up to her ear, "now there's only one day left... so tell the kids to leave more negative comments. that's right, you need to protect your oppas."

but what team leader han didn't know was the door shut behind her, did someone listen in on her?

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