𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆.

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haemin was at a photo shoot set for jeans. he went for a break as the photographer said they'll pick it back up once the female model arrived. haemin sat on the couch and gulped down a bottle of water.

"ah haemin you looked so handsome! so so handsome."

haemin furrowed his eyebrows and looked at jihyun who was coaxing and complimenting him a bit too much. "what is it? is the model coming late?"

"um... being late is not the problem," jihyun responded and this made haemin inch out of his seat.

"if it isn't then what is?"

after about 20 minutes, the photographer finally said: "okay, the model has arrived please standby."

haemin sighed and muttered to himself, "who the hell is she, arriving this late." at that moment, a person he knows all too well walked in. it was inah.

her heels clicked against the floor as she announced, "i'm sorry for being late. i had a prior scheduled event," she did not sound sorry at all.

haemin's breath hitched as he looked at her, quickly looking away after. the girl then turned her head to look at haemin, "sorry haemin-ah, i'm very late." haemin just knitted his eyebrows togteher in confusion and looked at her before she walked up to him.

"we meet again," she says, "you look good."

seungyeon sat in bed, wrapping herself up in her blanket except for her head which poked out

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seungyeon sat in bed, wrapping herself up in her blanket except for her head which poked out.

"are you really not going then?" minjun asked as he buttoned up his shirt.

"i won't! i won't go see that jerk even if i die! why is that dick my mentor?!"

"hey kim seungyeon! if half of us don't have signatures we can't do the showcase!"

"even if i'm the only one who doesn't get a signature, there's still the other members."

"i don't have any confidence either."

seungyeon bit her bottom lip, "my uncle- no, i mean ceo isn't going to get away with this. jung haemin, that jerk, is my mentor. is that so? crummy person," seungyeon said before shaking her head and screaming.

next thing you know, seungyeon found herself stood at the gate of haemin's house, grabbing her 'hair' and screaming in frustration, not too loud that people passing by would stare at her though

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next thing you know, seungyeon found herself stood at the gate of haemin's house, grabbing her 'hair' and screaming in frustration, not too loud that people passing by would stare at her though.

"i'm going crazy!" she exclaimed, "how am i going to look at that disgusting face!" she said remembering the kiss, "yeah. that's right... it was just an accident so..." she exhaled heavily and pressed the ring button, pouting at no answer. the girl then pressed it again but still, no answer.

the girl walked into his house. she rang jihyun who informed her he was at a photoshoot and so she should just enter the passcode and wait inside.

 she rang jihyun who informed her he was at a photoshoot and so she should just enter the passcode and wait inside

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inah wrapped her arms around haemin for the shoot. haemin hated it but what made it even worse was that he was just wearing a vest on his torso.

"expressions more bright," the photographer said since haemin looked annoyed, "you guys used to be lovers, show it."

haemin forced a smile on his face but when inah got closer, he looked annoyed again - tilting his head to the side to glare at her.

"it seems jung haemin isn't capable of separating his personal feelings from his work," she said near his ear, "or... are you nervous because of me? remembering old times." she kept getting closer but haemin kept nudging his arm to keep his distance from her even if it was for the shoot. then, team leader han came in and suggested they take a 5-minute break.

haemin was thankful for her for once because now he could finally push inah off him and get away from her. the idol went back to his dressing rooms and looked at the board of all the poses they had to do. his fists clenched when he saw they have to 'kiss?' in one picture.

"hey team leader han, don't you think that's too much?" he said angrily.

"it was unexpected, if they had called us-"

"the kiss scene, do i have to do it?"

"with the right angle, he can make it look like you are." haemin shut his eyes and ran his fingers through his brown locks before she continued, "if there is no future for you two, take care of your feelings. you know how easy it is to create rumours."

haemin scoffed, "don't worry and just leave."


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"let's break up," inah said.

"why? taejoon sunbae, is it because he's debuting as a singer?" inah looked down and haemin took her hands in his desperately, "just wait a while. i'll definitely debut and, and i'll be more famous than taejoon." haemin didn't just want to debut to be famous though, he didn't care if 5 people listened to his songs or 500,000 did. he just wanted to debut because he loved music, why can't inah just take him as he is?

inah snatched her hands away, causing haemin to look down at them, "i'm sorry. the person i need right now is taejoon sunbae."

haemin stared at the board full of poses for the photoshoot, throwing the script that had the same poses across the room in anger

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haemin stared at the board full of poses for the photoshoot, throwing the script that had the same poses across the room in anger.

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