𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝒕𝒘𝒐.

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that night it seemed like everyone was panicking - it looked like a black friday sale in the trainees' dorm with the number of times they were running around.

seungyeon stretched her neck and groaned whilst coming out of the kitchen with a jug of cold water in her hands.

"hey! i told you not to ask me, do whatever you want!" she heard juntaek say from upstairs, and after that, an eager junhyeon came running down the stairs.

"hey seungyeon!" he exclaimed whilst holding up two pieces of paper, "which one do you think looks better?"

"ah, for a signature?" she asked in her put-on boyish voice that would still probably sound like a girl to everyone else.

"the two of them seem okay," she continued.

junhyeon had a bright smile on his face and giggled, "okay! then, i'll use both of them! aren't you gonna do yours?"

seungyeon let out a soft laugh, scratching her nape, "mm i should. you seem to be busy practising your signature."

"because it's the first time, juntaek even wants to form a fan club."

seungyeon laughed slightly, "sleep well hyung!" the girl said before making her way upstairs.

"mm, you too," the latter replied before looking down at his signatures, picking the right one: "yeah, this one."

 seungyeon walked into her and minjun's shared bathroom with the jug of water, laughing and shaking her head when she saw minjun asleep with his head on the desk

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seungyeon walked into her and minjun's shared bathroom with the jug of water, laughing and shaking her head when she saw minjun asleep with his head on the desk. she put the jug down and went up to her best friend, gently placing her hands on his back.

"minjun-ahh, sleep in the bed!" the younger said as she got him up by the arms, "get up, get up!" she said as she pushed him onto his bed, "hurry hurry!" once she was sure he was all warm, cosy and, tucked in - her attention diverted to his desk which had lots of pieces of paper scattered around it; it looked like he was practising his signature too.

she just smiled and picked up one of the final ones he decided on, deciding to grab a pen and piece of paper to try her own. under her signature, she wrote: 'i have a big dream!' in english.

there, they had reached the signing event, happily and eagerly jumping out of their van

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there, they had reached the signing event, happily and eagerly jumping out of their van. seungyeon saw minjun take a deep breath nervously, sighing before turning to him: "are you okay?"

"i'm fine," behind him, matthew smiled before rubbing his back in an attempt to comfort him.

"didn't i tell you to not be nervous? today, we'll be doing this together!" seungyeon said as she grabbed the taller's hand and intertwined their fingers.

they walked into the changing room and gasped upon seeing the amazing outfits laid out on the table and the accessories paired with it.

"wow! amazing!" gunwook exclaimed as they got in.

"are these really our outfits?" juntaek asked in disbelief.

"is this pretty?" minjun asked seunghwan as he held up a white blazer in front of him.

"yes! wear it, it suits you," seunghwan replied.

hyundae looked at all the clothes, a small smile slowly creeping up on his face as a wave of relief washed over him, "i guess we really are signing."

jisub caught all the trainees' attention, "let's get dressed fast then."

and there all 9 of them were, dressed in outfits with big smiles on their face as they checked themselves out. juntaek started: "wearing these, don't we really look like 8turn? just one extra member."

then, jia came in with all her makeup supplies, eyes widening once she saw the trainees.

"ah jia noona!" juntaek cheered.

jia gasped, "th-those clothes... why did you guys put those on?! quickly take them off!" then, the door opened again, everyone turning to see who it was. it turns out, the signing event wasn't for the trainees, it was for idols scouted by mnh and other entertainments for a promotion event to promote each company today.

"oh! hello!" they all said in unison and bowed, some of the sunbae's bowing back but some looked pissed.

"why are you wearing our clothes?!" one of the idols, hwan exclaimed.

jia quickly replied, "the juniors... they thought the clothes were for them."

upon hearing him shout, seungyeon just pouted slightly as it was her natural habit and looked down.

then, another idool called jaesung shouted: "crazy people, aren't you taking them off?!

all the juniors bowed, some muttering 'sorry' quietly.

"this is crazy. just because you were accepted as juniors, you think of yourself as 8turn? or one of us? what kind of place is this, allowing thieves in here?!"

seunghwan couldn't hold back anymore and whilst he was taking his blazer off, attempted to square up: "thieves?!" seungyeon quickly held him back. the trainee just scoffed and threw his blazer on the ground purposefully.

"hey why are you being like this?" one of the idols, hanbin, asked taejoon, "let's try to be calm with one another."

"yes let's just talk. talk," gyuvin said.

seungyeon picked up the blazer, bowing, "i'm sorry."

"we'll wait outside. get changed and come out," another idol called yejun said as they walked out.

taejoon looked seungyeon up and down, watching how she looked up at him through the bangs of her wig, which obviously he wasn't aware of. "why isn't that jerk taking his clothes off?"

seungyeon gulped and clutched onto the denim jacket she had on.

"is he saying he won't take it off?" he continued, "does he really want to die?!"

at that moment, haemin entered the changing room, fist clenched, "will you stop?!" he shouted. everyone's heads turned to look at him.

"hey, jung haemin-"

haemin turned to look at taejoon and interrupted him, "you all should shut up and calm down."

seungyeon looked at haemin and bit her bottom lip slightly.

"you guys... hurry up and get lost. aren't you gonna go?" he said to the juniors to try and protect them but also protect his mnh image along with it. he just wanted them to get out of there as soon as possible.

"we'll hurry and change, sorry," seungyeon announced as they left.

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