𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝒕𝒘𝒐.

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their lips pressed together, both looking into each other's eyes which were widened. seungyeon quickly pulled away, "ah!" she screamed, her high-pitch voice accidentally slipping out whilst she put her arms in a cross in front of her chest.

the two just looked at each other and seungyeon quickly ran away, leaving haemin who scoffed and threw his head back.

haemin brushed his teeth and lips EXTRA hard that night, partly because he was angry and partly because seungyeon kissed him.

"crazy bastard, perverted bastard! and what's with the overreaction? i'm the victim," he said angrily with toothpaste in his mouth - going back to his quick brushing afterwards. then he imagined all the articles that there could be if he sued seungyeon.

'8TURN Jung Haemin's involuntary kiss!'

the boy looked into the mirror, disgusted at the thought before quickly shaking his head to try and forget the image, "no...no..."

seungyeon crawled up in bed, shaking her head left and right - sighing afterwards. "it's just... a bad dream. it isn't real. it's just a nightmare," she tried gaslighting herself before the moment of them kissing came back into her head.

she squeezed her eyes shut as she looked up at the ceiling, "urgh! bad jerk!" she put her two index fingers on her lips, "my first kiss...i'm going to kill you! ah!" she screamed and pulled her blanket over her head.

i'm going to kill you! ah!" she screamed and pulled her blanket over her head

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the sun was bright that morning, but it still didn't wake seungyeon up.

"hey seungyeon-ah, it's nearly time for practice. get up!" minjun said as he shook her but when she didn't wake up - he pulled her blanket off her. seungyeon squinted her eyes and turned her face to look at minjun, still crawled up into a ball.

"kim seungyeon, what's wrong with your face? didn't you sleep?"

"ughhh," seungyeon groaned as she got up, "i just couldn't sleep."

"why? are you worried about something?"

seungyeon suddenly got defensive remembering the kiss last night, "w-what do you mean?! worried about what?!" then, she pretended, "ah it's because i had a nightmare last night. i'll wash my face and come back!"

she walked into the bathroom just to see seunghwan shirtless, brushing his teeth. seunghwan looked at her through the mirror, "come in. i'm almost done."

seungyeon looked at him and screamed, running out.

seunghwan furrowed his eyebrows, laughing softly a few seconds after, "what's wrong with him... it's just guys... running away like a girl."

seungyeon kept screaming and ran up the stairs past hyundae who just paused, "what's wrong with him so early in the morning?"

seungyeon kept screaming and ran up the stairs past hyundae who just paused, "what's wrong with him so early in the morning?"

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that moring, the trainees and their instructor took a jog next to the han river to get them fuelled up for the day. seungyeon couldn't get it out of her head even when she was running. that's why when she saw a couple being all lovey-dovey on the grass next to them, she had to rub her eyes twice because she had 'accidentally' seen them as herself and haemin.

her jaw dropped as she saw 'her and haemin' giggling as she slapped his arm. "aaah, no no!!" she screamed and shook her head, making all the juniors look at her and stop just like she did. she shook her head a few more times and finally it wasn't her and haemin anymore but was now an innocent couple.

"kim seungyeon, what's wrong brat?" jisub asked.

"oh oh nothing!" she shouted before shaking her head and continued running as fast as she could whilst screaming.

"oh oh nothing!" she shouted before shaking her head and continued running as fast as she could whilst screaming

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"mentors?" team leader han asked, "you're gonna hire mentors for the juniors?"

"mmm, i shouldn't ignore them just because ms park thinks they can't be corrected," minhyuk replied.

"this is exactly why i told you it wasn't possible."

"ah i know, there isn't much time left. they have to perform a showcase."

"how can they perform with those skills? even if it's a survival showcase, that's too much. let's give up on the juniors-"

"for now use the mentors and continue to train them," the ceo said.

"when they think you have met the requirements, the mentors should sign your envelope with an 'ok

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"when they think you have met the requirements, the mentors should sign your envelope with an 'ok.' bring them before tomorrow morning's class."

"if we can't get a signature from the mentor, what will happen?"

"if half of you don't get an ok signature, you can't perform at the showcase."

"ah? if we can't perform then, what happens to us?"

"if you can't perform, you have to give up on trying to be an 8turn member."

"hey hey hey, why are you worrying about not performing? all you have to do is get a signature," seungyeon said.

team leader han smirked.

"right, do what seungyeon said."

once she walked out, they all checked who their mentors are.

jisub wasn't happy with his.

hyundae was confused with his.

gunwook didn't mind his.

matthew hated his.


"no way!" she screamed when she saw the name 'jung haemin.'

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