𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒚-𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆.

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tired of waiting, haemin heads inside however at the door, he saw jihyun sat down with inah, inah's team and, the juniors. they were all eating pizza and as haemin was about to head in, he stopped when he saw seungyeon, and an unintentional smile passes his face.

he quickly wiped the smile off when someone tapped him from behind. it was team leader han.

"come in haemin, have some pizza! if you don't fancy that, i brought some coffee too!" she cheered as she held up the coffees. the idol just sighed and went in.

the boy smiled a little as he bowed at everyone, internally scowling when seungyeon looked at him but decided to not pay any attention to him.

"haemin!" inah cheers as she quickly runs up to him, her heels making an annoying click-clack sound, "i'm so glad you came to see me! let's take a picture together!"

"no-" as haemin was about to decline, seeing minjun and seungyeon cozy together made him change his mind. "yeah sure, let's take one!" and so he follows an awkward photography session.

team leader han however, catches the glances passed between seungyeon and haemin, as does minjun.


⏱️ : after the shoot.


seungyeon stood there in the cubicle, holding her stomach as she threw up from the vast amount of pizza she ate whilst minjun pat her back.

meanwhile, haemin made his way to the airport, muttering to himself, "soyou don't need someone like me now, is that what you're saying?" his manager misunderstands, muttering a sorry and promising he really was going to come out after eating some pizza.

haemin doesn't listen and goes on in his own world, "yeah, i don't need you either so it's fine!" and poor manager just muttered a hundred more apologies.

seungyeon sighed as she sat outside on a bench with minjun, chugging her convenience store stomach medicine.

"go and tell him," minjun suddenly said.

"hmm?" seungyeon replied as she turned to look at the older.

"go and tell him. ever since i confessed to you i feel much better, even though it hurts that i got rejected."

seungyeon's surprised and her best friend congratulates her, it's the first time she's ever fallen for someone. she should hurry and tell haemin what's in her heart, so off to the airport it is.

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