𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆.

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seungeon angrily walked into the ceo's officer (her uncle) and slapped his shoulder.

"ow!" he exclaimed, "what's wrong now?" minhyuk asked.

"i want to change my mentor."

the man made a stank face and looked his niece up and down, "how can i change your mentor? no way."

"that jerk doesn't want to give me an 'ok' signature."

"that's why you need to do better," he said as he rotated and stretched his shoulder.

she sighed, "i sang one line for 3 hours! he didn't even listen he just kept saying 'again, again!' that's all he does!"

minhyuk smirked at his niece's anger, "ah if haemin says 'again' you just need to sing it again."

"uncle!" she shouted.

"it's sir, aren't we at the company?"

seungyeon sighed: "sir, are you really going to be like this? what can i learn from someone who has been lipsyncing from the start-"

"hey hey hey, if there's one thing 8turn barely do it's lipsync. don't discredit his talents just because you have a grudge against him." minhyuk then sighed before opening his drawer, grabbing a dvd tape - "follow me."

the uncle and niece duo sat in the projector room as he slid the dvd into his laptop and it went on the big screen, "this is a really important video

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the uncle and niece duo sat in the projector room as he slid the dvd into his laptop and it went on the big screen, "this is a really important video. it hasn't even been broadcasted on tv."

"i'm not in the mood to hear that now," seungyeon said as she was about to get up - but stopped when she heard haemin's voice singing gas station by june. she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the screen, eyes widening when she saw it was haemin's audition tape.

haemin stood there in his school uniform, mic in front of him as he was singing gas station by june. "that is..." seungyeon said in disbelief.

minhyuk looked at her and put his finger over his mouth, "shh. this was haemin's audition. at that time, i was thinking about not including him in the lineup because nothing was working for him. but then, he sang this song and everything just clicked in place. this is what saved him."

seungyeon kept watching it.

the ceo continued, "even though haemin goes his way, he doesn't joke or lie about someone's skill. if haemin says you lack skills, you must lack skills."

seungyeon sighed, "because beethoven was deaf, i thought he was a stubborn man for only loving classic music so much. now i realise i was the deaf one all along. ugh, i suck," she mumbled the last part and her uncle quickly looked at her.

"hey, what kind of girl talks like that?"

seungyeon sighed once again and looked up at the video, pressing her lips into a thin line as she got up, "i'm leaving. ugh, there's not much time left!" she exclaimed as she ran away, determined.

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