𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆.

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as they're heading out of the building, seungyeon tells haemin: " you shouldn't get angry over such little things. that's why people call you bad tempered."

"the only people who call me bad tempered are those who try to find something to hate on. plus, it isn't small, i just don't like sitting there watching people be exploited, or watching people in power abusing it, it's uncomfortable for even a bystander."

what the two don't realize in their bickering is that it's raining. but when they do, seungyeon proposes: "i'll go get the car and bring it around here," but as she was about to walk away, haemin holds her wrist and stops her, pulling her back.

the boy takes his zip-up off, and instead holds it up as a covering for both of them to head towards the car under.

"come under," he said - but nervously gulped when seungyeon had to tuck herself underneath his bicep, helping him hold it up from the other side.

"when i say 3, go," seungyeon nodded at the older.

"1, 2, 3, go!" the two quickly ran underneath the pouring rain with the cover.

"hey! you're splashing water on my clothes," haemin complained to seungyeon.

"and you don't think you're splashing water on me?!"

of course, they can't get to the car without totally bickering the whole way. haemin hastily opened the door for seungyeon before quickly making his way to the other side.


once they sat inside, the boy ruffled his wet hair in order to get all the water out. that was until he turned to look at the girl who was now frowning since her hair was partially soaked.

the 8turn member opened the glove compartment and grabbed a small towel from there, bravely moving closer to seungyeon despite how nervous he felt around her.

the boy started patting her head and hair dry, and when seungyeon looked up at him out of shock, they held eye contact for a few seconds. that howrver was broken once haemin got nervous and cleared his throat, leaving the towel in her lap as he started the car, sneezing as he drove. maybe a cold was the aftermath of that.

at haemin's home, the boy draws up two cups of hot cocoa while seungyeon changes into his clothes to let her own dry. seriously though, hers weren't even THAT wet, way to make an excuse!

seungyeon gulped as she tied her hair into a high ponytail and consciously walked out of the bathroom, embarrassed at how big his t-shirt and shorts were on her, and haemin simply laughs at her.

the girl frowns as she stretches out her arms: "i look like a scarecrow!"

haemin laughs, until he catches sight of her, then coughs the awkwardness away: "sit down before you scare all the birds away."

the two sip hot chocolate in order to avoid a cold, that was until seungyeon jumped up in excitement with an idea: "let's play the rubbish game! it's perfect for rainy days like today!"

haemin doesn't say anything and just watches her thoughtfully as she heads off to collect the materials for the game.

once she came back, she started explaining it: "the game consists of writing things on a piece of paper and putting them in one of the two baskets laid ahead. one basket is the rubbish chute, the other is a recycle box. if there's something you wanna throw out of your life and stop worrying over, put it in the rubbish chute but if there's something you want to reconsider, put it in the recycle box."

he scoffs at the reasoning for it but she tells him to try it.

his first attempt- 'scolding people' goes to the rubbish chute. when her turn comes, she writes 'lying'. off to the rubbish chute although she considers putting it in the recycle chute!

for seungyeon's next turn, she has trouble thinking of what to write but finally has an idea. however, she hides it from haemin while writing it, which makes him curious. as she heads for the rubbish bin, the idol stops her and asks: "that means you wanna throw that out of your life. can i see what you wrote?"she balks but he snatches the paper out of her hand and reads it.
"hey!" she shouts,.attempting to retrieve it.

it says, "haemin <3".

when he's silent, she tells him: "that's why i just wanted to throw it into the chute since we're just sunbae hoobae from now on."

haemin smirks and folds it back up, putting it into the recycle box. seungyeon is surprised and he tells her: "it's because i think it would be unfair to me. after all, i was so tormented by you, thinking you were a guy. and we even kissed twice, leading me to start doubting my own sanity."

seungyeon scoffs at that, "oh, it was such a big hit against you, huh?! then just file for compensation! don't you like to complain anyway?!" she's about to walk off angrily when he stops her, asking where she's going and she retorts, "why? is there something else you're feeling wronged about?"

"you're the one who said to seek compensation but i knows your prices are high, right?" seungyeon rolls her eyes, "that's why-" but her words are cut short when haemin moves in and connects their lips. she's too stunned to react.

it was a short, sweet kiss, more like a peck but it was still enough to make seungyeon blush.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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