𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚.

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all the trainees sat unmotivated and anxious in their dorm until all their phones pinged since they received a message.

all the trainees sat unmotivated and anxious in their dorm until all their phones pinged since they received a message

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unknownpack up all your stuff and gather at the lobby, 6am tomorrow

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pack up all your stuff and gather at the lobby, 6am tomorrow.

and that's what they did the next morning, exhausted as they all stood in front of the van in the chilly weather

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and that's what they did the next morning, exhausted as they all stood in front of the van in the chilly weather. when team leader han came, they all bowed: "good morning," they said in unison.'

"i have something to say..." jisub said as he stepped forward, head hanging low until juntaek hastily butted in:

"we were in the wrong team leader, please forgive us this time."

she sighed, "get on the bus first," she said as minhyuk's car pulled up.

"good morning!" he cheered as he stuck his head out of the window, causing them all to bow and say hello in unison, "get in the bus before the traffic starts and we get stuck in it.

the trainees along with team leader han and the president finally reached the camp, where the staff lined all the trainees up in military uniform. seungyeon's was obviously too big for her build but she just brushed it off and blew her bangs out of her face.

"welcome to the navy camp!" the instructor shouted who was standing on a podium in front of all of them to see, hands cupped behind his back before continuing: "the 2 days and 1 night from now on shall be training you as a member of the navy. hence why we have prohibited your items for this trip!"

after that whole commotion and argument, team leader han decided it was time to show the boys some discipline to bring them closer together and show the reality of the industry, fights like this won't always work in their favour.

♫ now playing: stand up - m2.

"everyone will start their training today! we'd train your teamwork and care for fellow members as becoming substitutes for 8turn. as well as train your endurance, tolerance and boost your confidence levels. everyone's in the same team and has to carry the team spirit to complete team training. understood?!"

"yes!" the members shouted in unison.

first, it started out with exercises on the shore such as jumping jacks, burpees, push-ups and what-so-ever. then, they all had to climb the hill with only a rope one behind the other, the rope pained their hands but due to the fact they didn't want to fail training, they pushed themselves and went through with it.

when it was hyundae's turn, he was struggling but jisub who was behind him, encouraged him and gave him a small nudge to help him - despite their argument.

after running god knows how many laps, they all had to collectively lift a power bag that weighed between 20kg and 40kg.

"raise it up!" the instructor shouted as they held it above their heads, "1, 2 start!" the trainees then started doing lift-ups with it, grunting and struggling due to how heavy it was.

after loads of lift-ups, junhyeon groaned and gave up, his hands wealy falling.

"ah!" seungyeon exclaimed as she shut her eyes, waiting for the power bag to fall on her. however, when she felt nothing, she slowly and cautiously opened her eyes, her mouth rounding into an 'o' when she saw jisub saved her by stopping it with his shoulder, grimacing in pain.

"thanks hyung!" she exclaimed in shock.

"it's fine," he weakly said as he held her shoulder, causing her to quickly lift it up again. the trainees started again and did it for about an hour and a half now, finally dismissed after. they all leaned on the power bag, exhausted and tired.

"i want a bowl of rice and soup," junhyeon breathed out, mouth watering at the thought, then team leader han caught his attention, causing them all to sit up.

"you guys asked for a second chance so i gave you one. i think you guys need a leader."

"if there's a leader... shouldn't it be jisub hyung?" gunwook asked.

team leader han looked at the mentioned boy, "what do you think, jisub?"

"it wasn't a fair selection, i suggest a re-election." he looked at his fellow members.

team leader han sighed, "you need to select a member that has recognition from everyone. because he needs to lead the whole team. this is your last chance, make your final pick after much consideration.

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