𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝒐𝒏𝒆.

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"haemin-ah, are you really not going to do it?"

haemin let out a big sigh before she continued, "it's not just one but two people who want to work with that director-"

"i came to talk to you about the album, come back to me when you give up on the film," the idol said as he got up and walked out of her office, causing her to let out a big sigh.

"jihyun," she said as he was walking out.

"hm?" the mentioned boy stopped to look at her.

"have you told the juniors about their schedule tomorrow?"

"ah! that's right! i'll tell them now." once he walked out, he continued his little rant to himself, "can't you get them a manager? why do i have to do stuff for the trainees? haemin is already enough to make my head spin..." on cue, there juntaek was, stopping in front of him.

"hi hyung!"

"oh, juntaek, i'm glad to see you. tomorrow you have a signing event," juntaek's smile dropped and eyes widened.


"yes yes signing," jihyun was interrupted when his phone rang, sighing once he saw it was haemin before putting it to his ear, "yes? i'll be right there! hey juntaek, i'll send a car tomorrow be prepared."

"b-but, clothes. what clothes do we wear?"

"it'll be prepared, so just come," he said - walking off after.

"what?" juntaek mumbled to himself before a smile crept up on his face, "signing!"

"really?" junhyeon asked when juntaek returned to the practice room with the news, "we really have a signing event?"

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"really?" junhyeon asked when juntaek returned to the practice room with the news, "we really have a signing event?"

"please, it's nonsense we're not even singers what signing are we going to be signing?" gunwook asked, shocked at how gullible everyone was.

"right..." seungyeon said with the tip of her pencil in between her lips, "who knows us..."

"if you're lying then you should make it sound more believable," hyundae said.

"no! why don't you guys believe me?! jihyun is our manager, right? i heard it from him."

junhyeon tilted his head, "it must be true if jihyun hyung said it..." a bright smile plastered on his face after that, "are we that famous already?"

"the point is, we're still 8turn's juniors while 8turn is still highly popular, i should start practising my signature," juntaek said with a smile on his face.

"i've practised my signature before, this is my first time giving it a try," gunwook said.

seungyeon looked up into the air with hearty eyes, pencil still in between her lips but the trainees' commotion was interrupted when their teacher came in.

"let's start class!"

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