𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏.

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seungyeon was on the bus back home, standing as she held onto the railing, hovering over some high school student, sighing in frustration while she remembered what haemin said.

seungyeon was on the bus back home, standing as she held onto the railing, hovering over some high school student, sighing in frustration while she remembered what haemin said

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"since this wound is inflicted by you, you'd be my slave until it heals completely," haemin said, smirking.

she scoffed, talking to herself, "slave? what the hell does that dick see people as? ugh, with my temper, i just wanna-" she punched the air, making the high school student flinch in fear

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she scoffed, talking to herself, "slave? what the hell does that dick see people as? ugh, with my temper, i just wanna-" she punched the air, making the high school student flinch in fear. seungyeon just groaned, looking at her phone and remembering what the older said: "hold on to your phone. after i ring you, reach within 5 minutes. 1 minute- no, even if you are 1 second late, you'd get it from me."

after pondering over his words again, she scoffed for the nth time, pissed at his bigggg ego. "pft, he just loves those fucking 5 minutes doesn't he. asshole."

she sighed and checked her phone.

she sighed and checked her phone

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two-faced ass 🤮🤮🤮be here in 5 minutes

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two-faced ass 🤮🤮🤮
be here in 5 minutes

the girl exclaimed: "ugh! that asshole is really-!"

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the girl exclaimed: "ugh! that asshole is really-!"

the high school student kept looking at her before getting up, bowing: "s-sorry, you can sit there." however, she just looked at him clueless but once she realized, she felt so bad.

"that... asshole," she mumbled.

meanwhile, haemin was lying down on his couch, feeling bored since his house is quite lonely due to the fact he lives alone

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meanwhile, haemin was lying down on his couch, feeling bored since his house is quite lonely due to the fact he lives alone. "4 minutes, 45 seconds, 46, 47- this jerk really dares to be late on his first call? 50, 51,52-" then, he heard the doorbell ringing, so he granted access through his phone.

seungyeon ran in, panting as she put her hands on her knees in an attempt to catch her breath, groaning loudly.

"you're on time."

seungyeon looked at her sunbae with a glare: "of course, since we've agreed on 5 minutes i'll get here in 5 minutes.

haemin grinned and nodded his head, sitting up.

"what help do you need? just say it-" seungyeon was interrupted.

"are your eyes just for decoration to look pretty?" seungyeon rolled her eyes at the remark said by haemin who now spread his arms out to signal the mess made in his house, by himself. seungyeon looked around, thinking 'ew boys.'

"ugh," she sighed before haemin smirked and tilted his head as if he was telling her to go get on with it.

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