𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏.

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seungyeon sighed as she walked down the concrete stairs outside haemin's house that led to the gate to exit, hands dug into her varsity jacket's pockets. "ah, that brat really is mean," she muttered to herself in frustration. then, the girl's stomach grumbled, causing her to frown and hold it - "ugh, i've not even had my dinner yet. always ordering me around, not even letting me eat my dinner," she complained.

seungyeon stopped at a convenience store, hood up and covering her eyes so nobody coud recognise her. she finished filling her ramen bowl up with boiled water and turned around, surprised when she saw the back of the president (her uncle) sitting down, also eating some ramen.

the girl smirked, "as the president of 8turn, eating cup noodles pathetically, what the fuc-"

"oi. no swearing you foetus. and, what's so great about being a president? all you get are headaches."

seungyeon frowned as she sat next to him and bowed her head, "i'm sorry." then, her eyes landed on the beer as she let out a small gasp and looked at him with an angry expression painted on her face, "uncle! are you still drinking now?!"

minhyuk just turned his head to look at his niece and gave her a dirty look before swallowing his noodles and speaking up, "i bought one because i was upset, why? tsk, nagging from the start."

"is this because of that so-called 'men's pride?' no, what's up with their pride? waving, punching whenever they like it. is it just you boys can't refrain from fighting unless you're born without the ability to?"

"erm, you're one to talk, didn't you pumch haemin?"

"but that was a fair and just reason! and he calls me whenever he likes to bully me. ugh give me that," she said as she snatched the beer can off him and chugged it in frustration.

he laughed, "aah you're doing really well. drinking in front of your uncle."

she finished it off with a refreshing 'aah' sound, her face dropping again immediately after that, "are us juniors really going to disband then? we haven't even started yet." she muttered.

minhyuk sighed, "i have no authority. your stuff is all decided by team leader han."

she shot him a dirty look before shouting, "what kind of president are you with no authority what-so-ever!" then she squinted her eyes, "don't tell me... you and team leader han are in a relationship?"

at that moment, minhyuk choked on his noodles and quickly looked at the latter in surprise, "eww! what kind of scary things are you talking about?!"

speaking of the devil, the woman came behind the two and stood there, "it's okay to come out but are you not gonna go home before curfew?" this startled seungyeon as she jumped and quickly stood up and sipped the broth of her noodles which burnt her tongue.

"sorry! i'll take my leave now," she said before bowing whilst making kissy hand gestures to her uncle whilst walking out.

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