𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝒐𝒏𝒆.

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gunwook stood at the bus stop right before the bus was arriving so he got on it almost immediately after arriving. seungyeon watched him from behind a tree and her jaw dropped, looking around before quickly flagging down the taxi that was stationery and vacant behind the bus.

she sat in the passenger seat and quickly did her seatbelt, pointing at the bus, "follow that bus please sir!"

and haemin followed the taxi.

haemin quickly put his cap and scarf on whilst they were switching lanes so he wouldn't be recognised by anyone. "where is he going exactly?" haemin asked with one hand on the steering wheel.

when the bus stopped in front of a club, so did the taxi. this caused haemin to quickly park in front of the building and put his sunglasses on, carefully following behind seungyeon to see what she was doing. seungyeon stopped in front of it, "ah, what's he doing here? if the company finds out he'll get fired for sure." despite this, she still went in.

haemin stopped in front of the building and scoffed, taking his sunglasses off in disbelief, "no wonder. a club? you're so done."

seungyeon walked in, ruffling her hair as she pushed past the crowd, looking around repeatedly in an attempt to find gunwook until she reached the front of the crowd. once the singer turned around, her head automatically went to the stage. when she saw gunwook was the singer, her eyes widened and squinted, then widened again.

haemin entered the club with his scarf over the bottom of his face to be unrecognisable. he spotted seungyeon who stood there with her mouth open whilst watching her fellow trainee performing with another band for a different crowd and quickly went up to her.

even though he was standing next to her, she still didn't notice him. due to this, he took his phone out and started recording the stage where gunwook was, slowly panning it to seungyeon who still had her mouth open.

"right, just like that," he said as he smirked and took another picture.

seungyeon then turned her head towards him and her eyes widened, her mouth opening even more as she hit haemin's shoulder. seungyeon leaned in closer to haemin's ear, and he just moved his head closer.

"what are you doing? how did you get here?" she scolded over the loud music.

"with this much evidence, you won't be able to do anything. sneaking out of the dorm and coming to a club as well..."

the girl huffed in frustration, causing one of the hairs on her forehead to fly up.

"give me that," she said annoyed which caused her voice to go a bit deeper. however, haemin just pulled his phone away and kept it close to himself.

"what for?" he mumbled with a slight pout on his face.

"give it to me!" she exclaimed, reaching her arm over to try and get his phone but he kept moving it further away. because of this, she jumped in an attempt to get it but accidentally knocked the older's hat off.

"hey!" he shouted after it knocked off and once people started recognising him, more and more people were looking.

"oh, it's haemin!" people started freaking out. seungyeon bit her bottom lip as she looked around and haemin put his scarf over the bottom half of his face again but it was too late.

seungyeon ruffled her hair and looked around before sighing. she grabbed his hand that was holding his scarf in place and started running out with him, not letting go.

they finally reached far enough into the back of an alley, both trying to catch their breaths again whilst their fingers were still intertwined.

seungyeon breathed heavily, looking at her sunbae, "you almost created a huge mess!"

haemin sighed in exhaustion as he looked down at their hands; they were still holding each other's hands. this made seungyeon look as well, groaning and quickly letting go of his hand.

"why are you here, hm?! ah, by any chance, are you following me?"

"why would i follow you?!"

seungyeon looked the taller up and down.

"i'm not following you, but monitoring you."

the girl scoffed and looked away, "why?" she asked once she looked back at him.

"why? don't you know that you're not allowed to leave the dorm at night?"

the shorter sighed and looked away, "about that-"

"and what's with that guy? having a part-time job at the club... and you were here lecturing me about your dreams and opportunities. wow, you're doing really great kim seungyeon."

"f...fine, let's call it even."


"bullying me and this issue. let's call it even."

then, seungyeon heard footsteps so she turned her head to the side to see who it was. when she saw a drunk man stumbling, she moved closer to haemin - arms on either side of him to make space. their faces were mere centimetres away. they both noticed this and just avoided each other's eye contact. that was until the man stumbled and collided into seungyeon, causing her to collide into haemin.

their lips pressed together by accident and both of them widened their eyes, now making eye contact. seungyeon's first kiss?

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