𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆.

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all the trainees complained as they were in the stock-room of the event place, all dressed in white buttons up and black trousers with lanyards hanging around their necks.

"but sunglasses are in fashion..." juntaek whined.

"oh juntaek! you said it was a signing event," jisub said.

"ah i don't know!" juntaek continued, "that's what jihyun hyung told me."

junhyeon sighed, "ah i practiced my signature for nothing."

hyundae just looked at all the trainees who had their hopes crushed, scoffing, "you think we'd get a signing event? it's all a lie."

as everyone voiced out their complaints one after the other, seungyeon looked up at all of them through the bangs of her wig, sighing: "here. wait a second. don't be like that,. let's think positively. aren't we going to hold a signing event one day? this can be practice."

"if you're that satisfied, go do this by yourself," juntaek said.

after that, jia ran iinto the room in panic, "kids! what are you doing? the signing's about to start, hurry up." she walked out straight after, leaving the trainees sighing and groaning. seungyeon just patted matthew's shoulder and wrapped her arm around him as they walked out.

now playing: i knew it - g.o & mir.

there fans were, rushing to their idols just to give them gifts or shake their hands

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there fans were, rushing to their idols just to give them gifts or shake their hands. meanwhile, the trainees stood behind each one of them, taking their gifts and securing them somewhere safe. haemin smiled as he took napkins or albums off fans and signed them, making seungyeon want to vomit.

juntaek went to each line to keep fans in control, gunwook helped with the privacy of the idols. seungyeon was paired with taejoon unfortunately. she put a tissue box on the table until one of his fans came up to her with a gift in her hand.

"oppa, you're so handsome. this is for you," the fan said as she held the gift out in front of seungyeon. seungyeon was taken aback and a smile crept up on her face.

"ahh, thank you," she said as she bowed to the leaving fan. then, taejoon looked at her and his smile dropped upon seeing the gift and how seungyeon put it down on the floor carefully. seungyeon stood up and sighed, brushing her hands on her shirt and facing taejoon who just looked at her in a cold manner.

"go get me a drink."

"ah, okay."

the trainee returned with his cup of coffee, and despite seeing it, taejoon purposefully hit it whilst signing someone's napkin, the coffee going all over seungyeon's shirt. it burned, so seungyeon started panicking a little, "ah! sorry! i'm so sorry!" she kept apologising whilst cleaning herself up even though none of this was her fault.

because of this, all the idols looked at her, including haemin.

"are you okay?" seunghwan asked as he put his hand on her back, meanwhile she just kept bowing and apologising to taejoon. taejoon however, just scoffed as she cleaned up, and this caused haemin to look at him with a confused expression. and then he looked up at seungyeon, and everything from their last interaction came flooding back.

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