𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒚-𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓.

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once they went out the door, they reached the staircase at the back of the hospital where nobody really went, haemin's hand still on seungyeon's wrist. the girl noticed it and looked down at his hand still wrapped around her wrist, then looked up again to see if he would detach it but when he didn't - she just pulled her hand away, causing haemin to poke his tongue through his cheek.

haemin turned his head to look at seungyeon, "you really don't have anything to say to me?"

seungyeon avoided meeting his eyes, "i already said i don't."

the boy squinted his eyes in frustration, "are you really gonna treat me like that?"

the younger blinked repeatedly out of nervousness before looking up at him, "then... what do you want me to say?"

haemin scoffed, "you idiot, do you know how worried i was when you disappeared without a word?"

seungyeon grinned in a teasing manner, "you were worried about me?"

haemin nervously looked away and cleared his throat, mumbling in a defensive way: "who's worried about you, i'm not worried!"

seungyeon smirked as she pointed her finger towards him, "ehh you just said you were two minutes ago."

the taller just tilted his head in frustration and sighed before looking back at her, "idiot." however, the smile never left seungyeon's face causing him to sigh once again before continuing: "yeah, i was worried about you. so what?"

"sorry, i had some problems back home."

"are you not gonna tell me anything?"

seungyeon got nervous, she couldn't tell haemin the truth. "uh, another day!" she quickly made up nervously, "um, let's go back in. inah sunbae might be worried." as she turned away, the latter's words made her stop in her tracks.

"don't do that again," he said. seungyeon turned around as he continued, "don't disappear without a word, ever again. it's not fun anymore." and with that, he went back in first - leaving a startled seungyeon.

once the two went back in, minjun stepped out from the wall he was behind where he heard the conversation, sighing.

haemin was silent on the drive back home with jihyun, his manager. "hyung, you must be really tired right?" he asked due to the silence, "you're worn out after visiting the hospital and you actually completed all your schedule for the day." meanwhile, haemin's eyes widened as he dozed off into a daydream.



the boy smirked as he grabbed seungyeon's hand, causing her to widen her eyes. the two hid behind the curtain, haemin's hands on seungyeon's shoulders whilst he was on a look-out for inah.

the girl gulped nervously and tried to pull the curtain back and leave, but haemin quickly wrapped his arm around her shoulders and stopped her.

"where's everyone? haemin-ah!" inah said as she touched the curtain, causing the idol to widen his eyes and quickly turn his back to the curtain - practically hugging seungyeon.


the idol shook his head and mumbled to himself, "that's just ridiculous."

jihyun heard and quickly butted in: "you're right! the schedule is ridiculous!"

haemin quickly looked up, "no! i wasn't talking about that! but... hyung, do you have any close hoobaes?"

"what? of course i do but, why do you ask?"

"i'm just curious that's why. but, if you have a hoobae that you really like-" haemin realised what he said and quickly panicked, "n-no i mean, a hoobae that you really care for, will your heart tremble? when you don't see him, will your heart be really curious and want to see him?"

jihyun furrowed his eyebrows, "i get curious what they're up to but-"

"right! if the hoobae you're concerned about disappears out of nowhere, you'd definitely miss him right?"

"it's like that but-"

haemin had a bright smile on his face after getting a sense of relief, "enough said then! go straight home after dropping me off, you've had a hard day too."


they pulled up in front of haemin's house, haemin jumping out happily as he walked up the concrete stairs.

"rest well!" jihyun shouted.

"good night!" jia said as the idol waved goodbye to both his noona and hyung.

as haemin entered, he immediately jumped onto his sofa, sighing. "ah that idiot, i've been thinking about it all afternoon too. because he was next to me, that's why it was beating so fast."



she smiled, "do you know how long i have waited for this moment?" she said with a mischievous grin on her face, quickly and swiftly pushing him back on the couch and hovering over him.

haemin's eyes widened as his eyes just started looking around and analyzing the younger's features.


seungyeon groaned and grabbed onto haemin's nape as she turned the other way, bringing haemin with her. the taller's eyes widened as she grabbed him on top of her and hugged him. the brunette gulped and quickly got up, breathing heavily before he departed to his room.


the two smiled at each other and just sat there. as time passed, seungyeon got tired and yawned, resting her head against haemin's broad shoulder. the boy moved his head to look at her face, smiling as he lifted his hand to move a few pieces of her hair from her eyes whilst she was sleeping.


once he came back to reality, his smile dropped a little but he quickly shook it off, "that's right... it must be because i care for my hoobae too much, that doesn't count."

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