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"I am as big as a balloon Koren!" Allayna yelled as she struggled to sit on the bed.

Koren helped her making sure she was comfortable before going back to play with our 3 year old son.

I myself was surrounded by sleeping babies. Our three 2 year old daughters were snuggled up to me and our 1 year old daughter was fast asleep on my chest.

A that moment Ari and Elo burst through the door with our 5 year old and 4 year old sons in tow. Ren slid in after them and sat next to Koren, both playing with the 3 year old.

Allayna hissed at them to be quiet and she pointed to me.

They both looked over and swooned at the sight.

"Awww how cute Tori baby you are surrounded by babies!" Elo whispered loudly.

Our 5 year old Erinai approached the bed and stared curiously at his sleeping siblings.

He lightly booped their noses before giggling and running off to sit with Allon in the corner.

He was so quiet I almost didn't remember he was there. Him and Prish having fallen asleep themselves.

Mir slinked in soon after and went to sit with Allayna rubbing her stomach lovingly.

I studied everyone the love in my heart threatening to break free.

I was so glad for my decision those 5 years ago. If I had not made it I would not have what I have now:


I stood pacing outside the lone wooden door.

It led to the old King's office, and I was nervous to go in there.

It had been months since everyone was finally home, and everything was still on pins and needles.

Allayna was swelling with child, and everyone was catering to her every need.

My heart filled as I remembered last night. She was laying in the bed rubbing her stomach when she yelled in surprise. Of course, I was by her side but instead at expressing any pain she took my hand and laid it on her stomach. I felt it then the kick of the baby.

As I stared at her face as she looked at me with so much love, I knew my mission was a failure. I had meant to be detached but I knew it then. As I felt the baby, our baby, kick that I could never let harm come to either of them.

With that in mind I burst through the doors of the Old King's office.

He did not look up from the book he was reading as if he was not surprised by my presence.

"Your majesty-" I started

"I wondered when you were going to make your way in here." he said.

I was unsure who he was speaking to, there are two of us here in this place.

I wasn't surprised about her, Grisha, she had been suspicious form the beginning. I didn't know what task he gave her, but I knew what I needed to do before I lost my nerve.

"I apologize your majesty, but I must speak my piece" I started.

"I refuse to carry out your orders. I will not kill anyone for you any longer. I know this is a breach of my contract and sworn duty to you and I will take any punishment you see fit." I said all in one breath

I waited for him to speak as the silence filled the room. Finally the old king sighed and set down the book lifting his eyes to me.

Instead of finding anger and disappointment in his gaze I found amusement.

"Tori my dear child. I am old and getting older by the day." He started

"I have come to realize that my ambition is misplaced." He said leaving back in his chair.

"I actually have come to like the idea of a grandchild. A boy I hope." He chuckled

Tori looked at him in confusion.

"Consider this an out. Please go and enjoy your family." He said before picking his book back up and starting reading.

"I suppose you wish the same?"

Grisha nodded

"Fine, I have decided to be merciful. No begone, both of you" He waved his hand in dismissal.

"Thank you." I said before bowing and scurrying from the room.


I smiled as I remembered it. After that it was all about the excitement of our first baby. The late nights and early mornings. Now all this time later the love in my heart still persists. There was nothing better than this.

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