Chapter 36

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The plan was crude at best. I think Ari was just getting desperate at this point. He had some fierce need to end this war quickly. But as we all know these things are unpredictable.

The carriage was expensive coming from some southern noble. They did not fortify their borders on that side mainly due to the fact that they were trading for important materials and weapons with the southern kingdom. This left them wide open.

Though that part was easy getting into the capital would be harder. No one could step foot in the capital city lest they were citizens of the kingdom and had a good reason to be there, even southern nobles.

That is why we visited the southern temple. We managed to scrounge together some priest robes and holy books.

We made sure to cover every inch of skin visible. We were far too pale to be seen as Southerners.

"This get-up is uncomfortable," Allon complained as we sat in the back of the jostling carriage.

"This will never work, who says foreign priests will be let into the capital city? Especially during wartime." Allon whined

"The war is at a sort of standstill at the moment. Besides we are from the south they have carriages through there constantly" I reminded

"Yes, but tensions are still high. " Allon stated

I nodded absentmindedly. Allon was weirdly anxious about this particular mission. He never lost his cool, yet here he was sweating bullets and staring into space.

"The plan will work Allon, no need to worry," I reassured

"Yeah, the plan." He whispered


The water shocked me so much I could not move at first. My blood ran cold and my limbs locked up. All I could do was stare as I sunk further and further into the icy depths of water funneling into my lungs.

I struggled to get my limbs moving pushing myself towards the surface.

When I finally broke the water I sputtered trying to get my bearings. I furiously wiped the water from my eyes but everything was still fairly blurry.

I paddled to the nearest surface which so happen to be a large boulder jutting from the water.

It was slippery, but I managed to climb atop, despite my useless arm.

I lay on the boulder coughing up water and trying to breathe at the same time.

I finally threw up clear liquid spewing from my mouth into the water. Once I finally calmed down enough I surveyed my surroundings.

The only signs of land were the large cliff from which I fell. There was nothing else but water and a small plot of sandy beach.

"If I can reach that I will be okay," I said to myself.

The little beach was at the bottom of a cliff, but the cliff was smaller and looked to be manageable. I had never climbed anything like that in my life, but I thought I could do it.

"Now just to get over there," I said

My arm was hanging loosely to my side and I knew it would be a battle to get to the beach.

I gathered my strength and slid back into the water. I paddled urging my arm forward and I propelled myself through the water. I focused in on the patch of land my mind only filling with the need to get there so I can finally rest.

Once I hit the sand I scampered up the bank and flattened myself to the ground.

"I am wildly out of shape." I huffed.

Once I settled down I studied the cliff a little better.

I was now not so sure I could really climb it. The rocks I could use at hand and foot holds were further apart than I originally thought. Also, my non-functioning arm would prove very difficult to complete this particular task.

"Time to put my strength to the test" I whispered fiercely.

I grabbed a hold of the first rock I saw and pulled myself upwards.

I would like to say I scaled that wall like an expert with the best of upper body strength.

I grossly underestimated how much I needed both arms.

"Fuck me!" I screamed after my tenth attempt landed on the hard sandy surface. My neck screamed in pain and I was sure I cracked something back there. The last fall was higher than the rest resulting in some sort of injury.

I could not let this stop me. As it grew lighter I started to panic more.

The only thing I could think to do was scream, so I did. I screamed until my breath was short and my throat was dry and throbbing.

I rested on the ground the pain from my arm and back was starting to set in.

"This is how I die." I croaked staring sadly at the brightening sky.

"At least it's a nice day," I said softly.

"Hey! Is someone down there!" I heard a voice call

I quickly sat up cringing at the pain in my back. I looked up the cliff to a group of people sitting on the side staring down at me.

"Yes! Please help me!" I screamed having mustered the last of my voice.

"Just hang on we will get you up from there." Someone yelled back

I fell to my knees in relief.

"Guess I won't die here after all," I said to myself.


It was getting lighter and Allayna was nowhere to be found. We all currently sat in the meeting room pacing anxiously.

"How the fuck did we lose her?!" I screamed in frustration

"Korean calm down, it is getting lighter we can search for her then," Elo reassured

"What if something has already happened to her Elo." I hissed


"We found her!" A voice bellowed through the halls.

We stared at each other in shock for a moment before we ran to the hall.

There she was lying in the arms of palace guards. She looked terrible and she was shivering violently.

"To the infirmary quickly!" I yelled

They rushed off Ren, Elo and I hot on their heels.

She was laid on the bed and the royal physician quickly got to work.

His helpers ushered us from the room and made us wait in the lounge.

It seemed like forever before the doctor opened the door and let us see her.

"How is she?" I asked immediately.

Well she is obviously exhausted, her arm was broken and I believe her spine suffered some strain." He explained

"Will she be okay?" I asked

"Over time, yes she will be fine though I will say all of this stress is bad for the baby." The doctor reassured

"Yes right the baby," I whispered

I froze and turned to the doctor in shock.

"The baby?!" I screamed

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