Chapter 35

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The calmness of the camp was surprising. The men all sat around various campfires singing and laughing. It was a relaxed atmosphere, almost as if a soldier did not just stumble and die right inside the camp.

"I am glad they can relax. If this plan goes south they will have good memories." Allon stated glumly

"Don't remind me," I grumbled leaning against him.

"I honestly wish none of this had to happen," I revealed

"I know," Allon replied

"But I would do anything to keep Allayna safe." I continued

"I feel the same way," Allon answered

"Are you prepared?" I heard from the flap in the tent

Erin stood already dressed. He looked every bit of a man ready to create chaos. Though he looked so much like Allayna, his natural smirk and mischievous eyes made all the difference. I was still unsure about him. He swooped in so suddenly, knowing so much about Allayna I would never understand.

A connection in grief.

I sighed and stood up.

"Is Tori ready?" I asked

"Yes he is," Allon answered

"Good let's do this," I announce


I was not really afraid of the dark until now. All that could be heard was a distant sound of dripping water. I backtracked slightly, calling out for someone.

I was met with only silence.

"How could they have disappeared so fast?" I wondered aloud.

I continued down the hallway feeling against the damp wall.

"This was NOT how this night was supposed to go. I was to enter the ballroom looking good enough to eat like a chocolate-filled bonbon with icing! Instead, a fire breaks out, I get dragged to dungeons and my dress is ripped in half. And I still don't know where I'm going !" I whined

Just as I said that I ran right into another set of stairs. I started climbing seeing no other option. As I reached the top there was only one hall and at the very end was light slightly blocked by a dark silhouette.

"K-koren? Ren? Elo?" I called

I started towards the figure which stood still not moving.

"Grisha?" I tried again

As I got closer a feeling of dread weighed heavily on my chest.

"I-I think I took a wrong turn I will go back," I called backing up slowly.

As I turned to run I could hear footsteps getting closer.

"Hel-" I managed to get out before a heavyweight knocked into me sending me tumbling down the hard stone steps. I could feel myself land on my arm wrong and a snap sounded throughout the silent tunnels.

"Ahh!" I screamed in pain

I was too focused on my broken arm I did not hear the loud footsteps as they hurried down the steps. Large hands grasped my hair and started dragging me back up the steps.

"Ah! Hey! Let me go!" I screamed

There was only a grunt in reply. They continued dragging me back down towards the opening.

The tunnel led to the outside. It looked to be a small cliff that led off into the icy waters below.

The moment I saw that I started kicking and screaming. I managed to kick in the assailant's legs, but that is what caused them to push me back forcing me over the cliff and into the waters below.


We exited the cave right at the bridge. We could see so many guests waiting outside for any word on the fire.

"Good thing we got around that. Allayna let's get you cleaned up and in front of everyone so there isn't too much of a panic." I called

I was met with silence.

"Koren I don't see her," Ren answered back.

"What?!" I yelled turning around. Sure enough, the girl was nowhere in sight.

"That idiot where the hell did she go?" I yelled

"Maybe she got lost?" Grisha suggested her eyes filled with worry.

"Oh, she is gonna get it when I find her," I grumbled stomping my way back into the tunnels.

"She is in so much trouble!"


She fought far harder than I thought she would. Damn, girl almost took my legs over that cliff.

I was furious I even had to do this.

I was compromising everything doing his dirty work because he couldn't get his whore lackey to get it done.

I was fuming but no matter, I did my part.

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