Chapter 29

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The birthday celebration came together quite well for how little time we had. The ballroom was themed white like a snowy wonderland.

Everything reflected that from the ceiling decor to the silverware. The gown the old queen picked out for me had a large skirt that fluffed out in layers and a flower-covered bodice. It cut across my chest then reconnected at my throat leaving a little window. The sleeves were sheer with little white flowers embroidered on them. It was paired with a long sheer white cape that trailed far behind me.

"A bit much with the crystals," I commented as Grisha fit the slim white gold tiara on my head

"Oh, how lovely," The old queen complimented as she threw open the door.

The queen does not knock, it did not matter if she was in power or not.

She wore a fitted white gown that trailed far behind her. It was silk and shone in the light of my dressing room.

"My darling you look absolutely divine, like a queen," She gushed

"Thank you.....mother,"

It was still odd to call her mother, but she insisted. She would not answer if I called her anything else.

"The guests are streaming in so that means it is almost time!" She exclaimed

"Oh right! I must check on the cake. I will see you in a little while" She said before rushing from the room.

"I think I'm going to be sick"

Grisha clicked her tongue before speaking.

"Not in this dress you won't, these are real Deline Crystals in this dress"

I let out a loud groan and Grisha rolled her eyes before helping me from the small dressing platform.

I found the time moving far faster than I liked. It took hours to get ready and now that I was, the party would start soon. I was beginning to really hate even leaving my room. As a queen being in the public eye was a given, but the fake smiles and the honeyed words were exhausting.

I was so embroiled in my own head I found myself already in front of the ballroom doors. I could hear the chatter on the other side.

I didn't even notice Ari's approach until he lightly touched my arm.

"Hold tightly, it will be fast," Ari whispered in my ear

He was dressed handsomely in white slacks and a white jacket. The outfit was another version of his military uniform. Long boots and tassels on his shoulders.

I felt so much better with him being there with me. He calmed my racing heart. I appreciated that about Ari.

"Let's go" he whispered

I could hear the horns far too loud and overpowering the announcer. The doors opened revealing the little balcony I was to walk onto. Below stood a flood of people all beaming at me.

Ari led me slowly down the steps the horns still blaring the entire time. Once we reached the end everyone bowed low. Ari lifted his arm and everyone stood upright clapping enthusiastically.

I just hoped I did not look as sick as I felt.

Ari led me to the carpeted steps that led to the two bejeweled thrones.

Once we stood at the top of the step Ari rose his arm again silencing the crowd.

I stood with a stupid smile plastered on my face as he made his speech. I could not remember what he said, but I knew I was glad when we could sit and the attention started to veer away from us.

The night whisked by.

I remember dancing and talking about nothing in particular and before I knew it everyone was either leaving or retiring to their rooms for the night.

I still had an entire room filled with gifts to get through, but I left that for another day.

Before I could even get the dress off,Koren was in my room.

"Let me help you"

I only saw Koren once throughout the night. Unfortunately, I was told in no uncertain terms by the queen that I was required to stay by Ari's side and not engage with anyone else in the harem.

I could tell they were not happy about it, but it could not be helped. Despite Ari and I being the official monarch Ari's parents still had an iron grip on the kingdom and us.

I allowed Koren to help me remove the monstrous dress and I felt so much better once it was off.

Once I was naked he wrapped me in a robe and led me to the bath where everyone else was already waiting. I could not even feel embarrassed, I was so tired. I really just wanted to enjoy their company.

I soon found myself in between Allon's legs face to face with his penis.

"So how do I do this?" I asked for the fifth time

"What? Like it's hard?" I heard Koren tease

Prish actually took the initiative to help me.

"Okay grab it with your hand"

Prish had me follow his example, our hands were almost the same size compared to Allon's length.

I was mostly surprised at how hard it was. I could not help inspecting it, gently squeezing.


"Okay now up and down slowly" Prish instructed

They already applied some thick slippery substance that let out sticky squishy noises as I moved my hand.

I started moving my hand staring as the head produced the thick white substance. I was almost entranced as it slid down slowly.

I could not help my next action of sticking my tongue out and licking it up.

"Fuck!" Allon hissed

I let go immediately afraid I had hurt him.

"It's okay" Prish encouraged as he had me place my hand back where it was. I could hear Koren in the back chuckling.

I immediately wrapped my lips around the head suckling softly.

"Good girl," Prish complimented

I slowly started downwards taking as much as I could before choking.

I lifted my head popping it out of my mouth. I opened my mouth wide going back down and tried to get as much as possible in my mouth. I felt Allon's hand on my head, but as I tried to lift he pushed me back down forcing the rest of his length into my throat.

I choked, tears sprung to my eyes as he thrust violently into my mouth. It was not long before he was cumming down my throat and releasing his hold.

I sat silently trying to catch my breath.

"Warning Allon really likes that choking and gagging stuff," Prish said

I glared at him

"Would have been better to say that before, don't you think?"

My voice was raspy and my throat a little sore.

"Where's the fun in that?" Koren called

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