Chapter 7

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I had always grown up learning from the best teachers money could buy to make sure I was the perfect lady. Though that has got me through life just fine I am now found to be lacking.

Ari is having me take classes with Madam Mae Lorae.

Madam Lorae worked closely with the previous queen and even a few queens and princesses from neighboring kingdoms. This made her an expert in all things royalty and Ari figured she could teach me a few things.

Though things like this do not come naturally I now wished they did. As I was still reeling from the bath incident I found myself plucked and fluffed and spirited away to a far corner of the castle. I had no real time to even process my complex feelings. 

This part of the castle was rarely used, filled with once great ballrooms and lounges. I even heard there was an old throne room used by the first king. 

 The long hallway led to a large cold room. It was once great, that much I could tell. A long plush purple rug led to glistening marble steps. At the top of these steps was a shining golden throne. To each side were rows of seats each row slightly higher than the last. 

I looked around in admiration and confusion. I had no idea why I was even here.

I was told nothing and I assumed I was to wait, and wait I tried, but I was so full of anxiety and confusion I could not stand still. 

I started for the throne a small pang of curiosity urging me forward. 

"A queen should not show such impatience."

I jumped as a door to the left that blended perfectly into the wall opened to reveal an older woman. She was short, shorter than me. Her hair was dark black and fell in curly ringlets on her shoulders. Her skin was tawny and glistening in the yellowish glow of the lights.

Her face was sharp and severe yet she was beautiful even when she directed a harsh glare at me.

"I apologize?" I said unsure

"A queen does not apologize either. Nor does she allow herself to wait for others"

I was getting confused quickly. What was it she wanted from me?

"And a queen certainly does not sport such an absurd expression"

She made her way toward me clad in a form-fitting gown that flowed freely behind her. The dress was an emerald green that complimented her dark brown skin. 

She exuded the confidence and elegance I could only dream of.

I opened my mouth again.

"If you are aiming to apologize again, then don't. I know it may seem harsh but we have very little time to get you presentable. As a member of the royal harem, these lessons should have been taught to you the second you joined, but clearly, his majesty has been slacking"

"With me, you will learn everything you need to know to not look like a fool. You will learn how to survive court and perhaps even excel at the game.


"It is all a game, is it not? These nobles are wild animals. They pounce on anything showing a sliver of weakness. A lot of their disrespect will go over your head if you aren't trained well enough"

"That sounds scary"

"It is and it will always be, but I will do my best to make sure you know how to navigate it. No more talking listen up!"

She never let me get a word in edgewise the entire 3-hour lesson.

Our first lesson was teaching me everything I needed to know about the nobles in the capital. I was taught family history, names, titles, and even gossip.

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