Chapter 19

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Everything happened so fast and I wasn't even conscious for much time after I was hit. I just felt myself fall to the ground and the world around me went black.

I dreamed then, or at least that is what it seemed like. The dream was so vivid it almost seemed real.

I was a child no more than five years old. I stood in a garden with beautiful flowers in full bloom surrounding me. I was playing with something. I could not tell what it was but I was having the most fun. A young woman sat beside me. Her hair was a deep purple smooth and silky like water. I could not see her face but she seemed to be tending to the flowers.

"Mommy!" I yelled to her.

"Oh, it's okay sweetheart mommy's here," She said softly

The voice was so familiar, it was almost like I have been hearing it my entire life.

The woman finally turned around and I was stunned at how much she looked like me. I always knew I did not favor my mother and father, but this woman looked so much like me I was in shock.

"Honey let's go inside and see dad okay?"

She picked me up and held me on her hip.

The young me nodded and she was off floating through the flowers towards a house. I could not see the entire house. I only saw a large brick wall with open glass doors.

The woman strode inside before the vision went white. I saw nothing for what felt like an eternity before another building came into view. I once again saw young me this time a little older, maybe 7.

I was sitting quietly on a bench outside a shop. Next to me sat an older boy with skin and hair just like mine. He looked a lot like me as well, with the same shaped eyes and mouth.

He turned to me before speaking.

"Lynnie we should get going soon," He stated

That name stirred something deep within me. It felt so familiar I felt a sort of throbbing in my chest; I almost wanted to cry.

Once I got myself together I studied the scene before me. Now that I was paying attention the young me looked upset. I wasn't crying but I was angry and seemed on the verge of a temper tantrum.

"I don't want to go," I whimpered

"I know, but mom and dad said they will meet us there. We have to get there on time; besides don't you wanna see the others?" The boy urged I gave in fairly quickly and nodded jumping down from the bench.

The boy took my hand and led me away to the edge of my vision. Once the two were gone everything turned white again.

This time it was a shorter wait before I saw something else. Right before me lay the woman blood splattered everywhere, her lifeless eyes looking right at me.

Then I saw 7-year-old me once again. I was crying clutching the hand of the dead mother. The boy sat off to the side tears streaming down his face. Then I noticed another body sitting right in from of him; A man this time. I could not see his face but somehow I knew it was the father. The children were alone in an alleyway with two dead bodies. Then started the rain, and the sky opened up drenching the crying children.

A figure, someone that I could not see, entered the alleyway. City guards followed him as he approached the children. Almost harshly he grabbed the children hauling them up and dragging them from the alleyway.

Once they were out of sight my vision went white again. This time darkness seeps from the edges of the vision before finally taking it over. The first thing I noticed was I could hear talking coming from around me. It was soft whispers, but they were fierce and angry. I slowly urged myself to open my eyes. The room was thankfully not too bright but my eyes still needed adjustment.

Once my eyes were no longer in pain I opened my mouth. It was almost impossible to speak coherently, my mouth was so dry it hurt.
"Argh," the sound left my mouth. It was soft but it would seem someone heard it because the next thing I knew a face filled my vision.

The man was young and looked almost familiar.

"She is awake!" He yelled before disappearing from my line of sight. I tried to sit up but found when I moved my chest blossomed in pain.

"Hey, steady there," a disembodied voice stated before I felt a strong arm grip my back and bicep and help me sit up propping pillows at my back.

Once I was settled water was thrust in my face and I was made to down at least three glasses before I was able to speak. I took in my surroundings before I spoke. It would seem I was lying in my own room. Not the room I had at the palace, but my room in my parent's house. The curtains were tightly closed letting very little natural light which I was thankful for.

"What happened?" I asked my voice still hard to use.

"No need to strain yourself just relax," The man stated

Now that I was looking at him the man looked wildly familiar.

"I have seen you before?" I asked

He hesitated before answering.

"I do not believe we have met yet Miss Steelewater,"

"Yet you know my name," I countered

"Yes, I suppose I do. I am just an attendant the person you need to talk to is on his way," The man stated before getting up from his perch on the chair.

"Please just wait a little while longer," He begged before leaving the room.

I was at my wit's end at this point. I attempted to move, but the pain in my chest was too grave.

"Sit down," A gruff tired voice spoke.

I looked up to see Ari standing in the doorway.

He looked terrible, obviously exhausted large dark bags hovering under his eyes.

He walked in with another man, the man all too familiar.

"Y-you were from my dream!" I yelled pointing at him. 

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