Chapter 41

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When word got out that the king had been captured.

Rumors spread and people start to speculate.

I suppose it was going to happen at some point. Word spread like wildfire and before we knew it the entire city had heard. Although that is not the problem in itself. It was the rumors that went with this reveal.

'The queen orchestrated the whole thing. Why else would she do nothing to retrieve the king.'

'She is a foreigner been lying to us the entire time. This was her plan the entire time.'

'Traitor queen.'

These citizens were not pushovers though. These people were furious. They wanted their king back and to oust the traitor foreign queen. It got out of control really quickly and some took full advantage of this.


Tension was thick in the air. It seemed like everyone was waiting for something to happen. Who was going to make the first move? My duties were suspended until I was healed, but in that time my pregnancy became more apparent. I hid myself further into suspension feigning illness.

Everything seemed to be rushing in at once. Ari was still with my uncle and even now I could not get a hold of Tori, Allon, or Mir. I was at a loss for what to do.

"Maybe we should do something ourselves," Elo suggested

"That is dangerous. If you haven't noticed Elo, we are nothing like those four." Koren replied

"Still we should consider the options." Ren tried

"What options!" Koren cried

"We are backed into a corner. Give Allayna up to that psychopath? Absolutely not!" He continued

I let them squabble while my mind wandered. I was feeling generally sluggish these days despite all the sleeping I have been doing.

"Is it the pregnancy?" I wondered to myself

A loud series of urgent knocks sounded at the door.

"Who is it?" I called

"It is Guardsman Soot, your majesty. I have an urgent matter to discuss!" He called

"Come in!" I replied

He rushed in slamming the door behind him. He looked panicked and almost sick.

"What is the matter?" I asked feeling a wave of panic wash over me.

"Your majesty you must escape at once." He stated

"What? Why?" I asked

"It is Councilman Parrish. He has started up some sort of rebellion." The guard replied

"A rebellion?" I questioned

"Yes, it would seem he has gathered some support behind him. He is trying to dethrone you." He reported

"That motherfucker! I will destroy him!" I cried

"No time for that Allayna." Koren stated

"What why?" I asked

"I figured this would happen but I thought he would give us more time. It is best we get you out of the palace and quick." Ren answered

"I am the queen I cannot just leave!" I cried

"Please excuse me but that is too damn bad," Koren growled grabbing my arm and yanking me forward.

I was only allowed to pack a few essentials before Koren led us back into those dark damp tunnels.

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