Chapter 28

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I found myself unintentionally hiding away in my room. If I wasn't with Madam Lorae I was painting.

It allowed my mind to think of only the next brush stroke or color. No one required much of anything from me, at least not yet.

It was actually nice being left alone. I felt like I could gather my thoughts and feelings much better without any distractions.

But I was not left alone for long. The old queen had found her way to my chambers and began her harassment. My birthday was coming up soon and she was desperate to plan the affair. But since she was no longer the queen she actually needed my permission to begin planning. I doubted anyone would question her, but she clearly wanted to bother me.

I had spent a ridiculous amount of time with her and the royal event planner. We picked themes and decor. She even dragged me to the dressmaker and we spent all day there as well. With Ari drowning in last-minute preparations and war councils there was no one to save me from her.

I was glad when we finally agreed on a dress. A white monstrosity with more diamonds than my scepter. It was a spectacle but could be considered lovely, by some.

I was with Madam Lorae when I found that it was not just Ari going to the war front. Tori, Allon, and Mir are going as well.

I was hating this more and more.

"Death is a part of life," Ari stated one night. I was sitting in his room right in front of the fire. He was at his desk once again buried in scrolls and tomes. I had managed to find some free time. The old queen had taken over the party preparations so I was no longer needed. Madam Lorae had a sick relative to visit so she was away for a few days.

I had expressed my dislike of this war for the hundredth time.

"I must go Allyana, that is the end of that," Ari stated sounding exasperated.

"Only you must go? Does that mean the others can stay?" 

"Would you rather I make the journey alone?" Ari asked

"You are never truly alone." I countered

"We ALL must go Allayna. Tori, Allon, and Mir are considered soldiers of the state. They should have gone already, but I held them back for you." Ari stated

"For me?" I questioned

Ari sighed choosing not to answer and going back to his papers.

"I know about Mir, but why are Tori and Allon considered soldiers of the state?" I asked

"Not my story to tell Allayna," Ari answered

I huffed and went back to staring at the fire.

"NOt mY StORy To tELl AlLaYNa," I mocked

"Someone's cranky," I heard as Koren entered the room

I rolled my eyes at him but otherwise ignored his presence.

"Nothing new there," Ari commented.

I stretched out in front of the fire getting comfortable in the fire's toasty presence.

I felt someone sit next to me then felt a weight on my stomach. I looked down to see Koren's head snuggled into the stomach. He look almost innocent in appearance when he was resting. No vicious glare or irritating smirk. I could almost relax around him like this.

"I can feel you staring at me," Koren commented without moving his head or opening his eyes.

I rolled my eyes and turned to the fire. Of course, he ruined the moment.

Silence filled the room for several moments. I could hear Koren's breathing start to slow, meaning he was starting to fall asleep.

"I think I'm just... scared," I revealed

"Scared of what?" Ari asked

"This is my first time ever having people I cared about that aren't my family, you know? I have never felt like this for anyone let alone multiple people. I guess I'm afraid of what will happen if I lose you." I admitted

"Must be confession hour yes?" Koren commented

I was surprised since I thought he had long fallen asleep by now.

"I feel the same way Allayna. We haven't had a war in decades. I suppose I never thought this would happen," Korean finished

"Well, it was inevitable. Once the King, your uncle, found out about you," Ari answered

"He must have already known right?" I asked

"Well, we knew he was suspicious of you since you entered the palace. I have my suspicion that there might be a double agent," Ari stated

"Double agent? You think there is a traitor among those in the palace?" I asked

"Yes, but I don't believe they were here for you at least not at first. See you may or may not realize this but you favor your mother. You are a spitting image of the late Queen. It would have only taken a glance for someone to recognize you," Ari answered

"What else would they be here for?" I asked

"Contrary to popular belief Allayna darling, you are not the center of this universe. We have been at a sort of standoff with your kingdom since your uncle took over," Koren answered


"Look it's something to ask Allon he would know more about this kind of stuff," Koren interrupted.

"Allon what does he have to do with this?" I asked

"He has a love for politics and history. He knows all about the stuff. I for one have never had any interest," Koren answered

"Really? He does not seem like the type,"

"No, he does not seem like the type, and that's what's so interesting,"


I was born and I grew, there is nothing more you need to know about that. I was not trained in my art until I was well into my teenage years. I was found, I suppose that is the best way to put it. The person who found me saw something in me I suppose. Saw the ability to be ruthless and merciful at the same time. The ability to be someone else if only for a short time. The ability to gather only the most important bits of information. It was everything someone like me needed to be good at their job. Though how good could I be if I have become attached? I was trained to be indifferent to those I was to deceive. I have failed that part miserably. I just hope when it all comes to a head, they will learn to forgive me.

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