Chapter 37

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Flash back

I stood stock still in the middle of the room. The scandalous outfit still clung tightly to my form. Seven sets of eyes bore into me almost non-blinking.

"Allayna," Koren singsonged.

"You didn't think you would get out of this, did you? Especially after that little love confession." Koren said leering at me.

I shuddered at his suddenly deep voice. He looked almost possessed, his eyes taking a darker hue as he stared almost entranced. He was not the only one, all of them shared the same expressions.

"T-There isn't any music." I tried

"Shall we make some music for our little kitten?" Ari asked suddenly

I watched in shock as Ari, Tori, Prish, and Ren stood each heading toward the various musical instruments Ari kept in his room. I suppose I was an idiot for thinking they were for display.

"Of course, you can play instruments," I grumbled

As soon as I said that a soft sensual tune began to fill the room. It was so smooth I could already feel myself swaying to the sound.

I remembered my teenage days when a friend of mine would sneak us into the burlesque shows. We would make our way backstage watching as the performers got ready to get on stage. We even saw some of their rehearsals. It was always so enchanting watching them move, watching them work. We would sometimes even learn their moves. They even offered to teach us how they moved.

Their movements were like water. Hips moving so fluidly, their stomach rolling in waves. I only managed to visit there for a few weeks before my mother ensured I would never go back, getting it shut down. I always wondered what happened to them, the performers that is.

I closed my eyes, remembering the dancers and their movements. There was a specific one I grew a liking to. She was stunning

Muri was her name.

A curvaceous woman with sweet brown skin and lips so soft. She smelled of warm vanilla and honey. She was only a couple of years older than me and we connected on a deep level. I wished I could still see her again in the flesh, but for now, I saw her in my mind's eye.

My hips started to move to the rhythm, mimicking hers.

I lifted my arms above my head to better showcase the movements of my stomach. Something I learned while there.

"Gods Allayna where did you learn that?" Elo asked breathlessly

"A few things I managed to pick up," I admitted

"Why have we not devoured you yet?" Koren asked

Surprisingly his eyes were no longer trained on my body but they were now staring right into my eyes.

I quickly lowered my arm once again retreating into myself.

"No, you will not!" Allon cried before he swiftly left his seat and grabbed me. He led me to the series of furs and pillows on the floor in front of the roaring fireplace.

He sat and lowered me on his lap.

"Just focus on me," he said

I sat focusing on his stare as he started to run her large hands up and down my back softly. It was almost as if he wasn't touching me but I could feel the light touches. I visibly shivered as he ran his fingertips over the back of my neck.

Allon leaned in slowly obviously giving me time to pull away before he captured my lips. He was gentle, not wanting to scare me away.

I felt another pair of hands land on my waist slowly undoing the outfit tied to my body. They made sure not to be too forceful as they slid the fabric from my body. Even without force, the fabric ran across my folds so lightly it sent a chill down my spine. I whined loudly feeling myself start to leak on Allon's lap.

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