Chapter 42

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"A Lot has happened over this year, hasn't it? I truly am surprised we moved so fast." He started

He lifted himself from his seat with grace even Ren did not possess.

"I do apologize but you have something of mine. My dearest niece. A sweet girl, but naïve. She believes everything you heathens tell her." He stated

"We told her nothing but the truth," I growled

"Well, we all know that isn't the case. You know when I was first told she had entered the palace I was worried. Now I see I had reason to worry. You have poisoned her with lies. Now we must get her back and ensure nothing bad happened to her." He stated

"Bullshit we are protecting her from you!" I growled

"Well, who will she really believe a bunch of liars or her family." He mocked

"Not even her own brother is on your side, how can she believe you"

"Well, Erinai can be dealt with. My dearest nephew is brave, yet unpredictable. Perhaps she will be more inclined after her love murders her brother."

He slowly made his way down the steps and stopped right in front of me.

"I heard she loves you." He stated

I glared at him not speaking

"Do you wish to know who told me that?" He asked

"Not in the slightest." I hissed

"There was a snake in your garden King Ari, and you let him in." He chuckled

"I don't want to hear this!" I yelled getting fed up with him.

"Allon darling please come in." He called

I heard the door behind me open and someone walk swiftly towards me. That traitor stopped right next to the king and smiled down at me.

"Hello, sweetheart."


If I had any thought that this would be an easy journey that was crushed within the first few hours.

We were set to head to the city of Undios. A city only second to the capital. My parents and my brothers were there on business and I thought it best to visit them and convince them not to head back to the capital anytime soon.

The trip there was not so bad the city was only a day's journey so we shouldered on finally making it there the next day. The problem arose when we found the house my family owned in the city. People were surrounding it some jeering insults others watching.

We rode up to the door and Koren quickly knocked in an effort to get someone to open it.

I thankfully had changed and wore simple commoners clothing so when I exited the carriage no one could recognize me.

I quickly grabbed a spare key from under a potted plant and opened the door ushering everyone inside.

"Who goes there!" I heard my father's voice boom.

"Father, It's me!" I called

"Allayna? Oh, my dear child!" My mother said as soon as she saw me.

"We were so worried these horrid people have been outside our house all day." she cried as she gathered me in her arms.

"I'm sorry mama. Things have gotten so out of control I don't know what to do." I admitted

"Come in sit, sit," Father said ushering the boys into the sitting room.

Once we were all settled I let Koren tell the story. Once he was finished my brothers had even entered the room and they looked nothing short of furious.

"I knew that snake Parrish was planning something. He never liked you, not when his daughter was passed up for the spot in the harem. That Hussy." Father growled

"How could you let this happen though? I thought you said she would be safe until King Ari's return?" Honna spoke up

"We tried, but as you know an unforeseen event took place. We have no idea how Ari was taken hostage and now everyone thinks Allanya is content with letting him die." Elo stated

"The riots are controlled, that is obvious. Parrish has been planning this all along. I believe he even planted the letter we found." Prish stated
"Letter? What letter?" I asked

"There was a letter found in Councilman Parrish's desk. It was speaking on some sort of plan he was cooking up someway to get your people to turn against you. It did not go into detail, but it was enough for us to realize he was targeting you." Koren explained

"Do you think he knew Ari was going to be taken?" I asked

"I am not sure," Koren admitted

"Sounds like he did especially if he planned this ahead of time. It is doubtful to me that he just took advantage of the situation." My father concluded.

"That could be it, but we have no time to mull over it. We have to get Ari and get this straightened out." I started

"Get Ari?! As in go get him from your murderous uncle that wishes you dead?" My mother cried

I cringed at her tone but nodded.

"Absolutely not." My father stated firmly

"Dad!" I tried

"It is absolutely dangerous! Why would you want to go to such a place?" He asked

"It's the only option! We have to save Ari and end this once and for all" I stated

"Allayna honey in your condition?" My mom asked

"Condition? What condition?" My dad asked

My eyes widened and I shook my head not pleading with my mother to not tell him. If he found out...

"Allayna is pregnant," Elo stated

I turned to him shocked.

"What!!!" My dad yelled

One hour later

I sat in the attic of the house. It was turned into a makeshift bedroom a few years ago and was mainly for guests. Now it was my prison.

I had managed to hide my pregnancy and despite getting larger the dress I wore was so loose no one could really tell. If Elo had not opened his big mouth we would be well on our way by now.

After my dad found out I was pregnant it was a screaming match.

"Absolutely not! No pregnant daughter of mine is going on some half-baked rescue mission with four irresponsible men." He roared

"As half-baked as it is, it is fairly honorable isn't it?" Jaslyn interjected

"I do not care how honorable it is. It's dangerous. There is no way in hell this can work. He most likely will not even release the king! He will kill all of you and run off with both kingdoms in his hands!" My father screamed

He had made up his mind and all but dragged me into the room and shut the door. Although it was not locked a sitting room sat right outside the door and he and my brothers were currently occupying it. The only window in the room was so small my leg could barely fit out of it.

"Damnit!" I yelled plopping down on the bed in frustration I had no idea where the others were, but I knew I could not rely on them to help me get out of here.

I knew the only way my father was going to let me go was if I either managed to convince him otherwise or I escaped

The first option seemed fairly ridiculous, especially considering that he knows of my "condition".

That just let the second option, which would leave him angry at me but ultimately unable to do anything bout it.

"Fine if he wants to be this way," I mumbled to myself

All I had to do was wait him out and when he isn't looking I will slip out of there and find everyone else.

We had to save Ari, it was the only option.

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