Chapter 16

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Day before

Koren POV

Allon offered a massage the second I got out of combat training. I should have guessed it was less than innocent, but I was dead tired and a massage sounded so nice at the time.

I hated this training Ari was making us do. He was never clear as to why we were training so hard.

Allon's room was nice and clean, nothing was out of place. I almost felt bad for plopping onto the large bed and messing up the pin straight sheets. I quickly discarded my shirt and lay on my stomach trying my best to relax. Allon lit some incense and some candles. Once that was done he disappeared to fetch some oils.

I closed my eyes and let him work his magic. His hands were rough at first but as they slid across my back I could feel my muscles relax. I had fallen asleep so quickly I didn't notice his hands go lower and lower. I didn't notice him rid me of my pants and underwear. I did notice when his large warm hands grabbed large handfuls of my ass. I almost jumped out of my skin when he gripped me.

"Allon!" I yelled in surprise

"Sorry baby boy, it's just so round and soft," Allon stated his voice low and gruff.

He smoothed his hands down my legs massaging my feet.

I let him lull me back into a false sense of security. He smoothed his hands up my legs, the sweet smell of the lavender oil calming me.

I was on my way back to sleep when I was once again thrust from my sleep Allon's large hands gripping my ass.

This time he did not let go. Instead, he prodded my hole with one of his oiled fingers before pushing all the way in.

"Fuck Allon! A little warning next time," I fussed

"I see you two are having fun?" I jumped at Prish's voice.

"Shit Prish you need to wear a bell," I fussed trying to calm my beating heart.

"Sorry to scare you, but Ari wants to see us," Prish informed

"What does he need?" Allon wondered grabbing the nearest silk robe and tying it around himself.

"Maybe some stress relief before the big day?" I suggested

"I don't think so," Prish answered before leaving.

I quickly grabbed one of Allon's robes before following him to Ren's room.

"What did you need us all here for chief?" Elo asked plopping on a chair and almost toppling over like the idiot he was.

Once he was no longer flailing Ari began.

"Tomorrow Allayna and I will be crowned. During the ceremony and after I need all of you to make sure Allayna does NOT leave your sight," Ari announced

"What is going on Ari?" I asked

"The truth is Allayna is not who she thinks she is," Ari stated cryptically.

"Meaning?" Tori asked

"Meaning once she is found out she will be a target," Ari explained

"But Ar-" Prish started

"Just do as I say!" Ari yelled before stomping out of the room.

It was silent for a moment after he left. I waited a bit longer to follow him.

"Ari!" I called following him into his room.

"I do not have time for this Koren," Ari growled

"Ari WHAT. IS. GOING. ON!" I yelled

Ari let out a long sigh before speaking.

" I didn't want it to be like this. Father he- he is such a sneaky son of a bitch. He never told me his plan," Ari started

"Told you what?" I asked

"I was supposed to keep my distance, but he changed the plan. Now she is in danger and it is all my fault," Ari cried

I was in shock as I stared at the strongest man I knew break down in tears.

"I'm so sorry"

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