Chapter 14

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I was have never been more uncomfortable in my life, even in my awkward younger years. I sat in King Ari's quarters at a mid-sized dining table. The dress I wore was thankfully less restrictive than the other one, which was largely due to my "pregnancy".

The atmosphere was uncomfortable from the start. The old king and queen sat right across from Ari and me. The queen had a smug smile on her face like the cat that caught the canary.

She sipped on her wine slowly observing me over the rim. Ari made a big production of pouring water into my glass. I was shaking like a leaf.

"So Ari are you ready for the coronation tomorrow?" The old king asked conversationally.


"Yes, you did not know?"

"Of course, I did, though I wonder why the rush?"

The old king chuckled "Is this not what you wanted? To have absolute control?"

"I suppose I did, it was just unexpected is all"

"Why so? You fulfilled all of my requirements. It would only make sense I fulfill my end, so dear Allayna here can finally make herself useful,"

The words were unnecessarily harsh, yet the old king's face remained impassive.

I suppose there was no need to take offense to the statement, at least not outwardly.

"I assume my son did not tell you why you are here? Why you are really here?"

"I-is it not because of pregnancy?"

"The pregnancy was an unforeseen obstacle," The old king replied

"It is of no importance right sweetheart? You have something to tell them right?" The Queen interjected.

She looked almost nervous and worried about what the old king would say.

"Ah yes! I made a decision regarding the coronations," The old king announced

"Instead of the traditional two coronations. We will have both coronations at the same time!"

"Same time?" Ari asked surprised

"Yes, tomorrow this palace will be filled with people watching as their new King and Queen are crowned. It will be a momentous occasion,"

Ari was livid, I could tell. Everything was happening so fast. My mind was so frazzled I did not even remember going to bed.

That was yesterday and now I stand jittery with nerves outside the great hall. Madam Lorae came to be before the sun even began to rise. She was as frazzled as I was whispering to herself how I was not ready at all. The day was going by too fast and before I knew it I was here alone, Madam Lorae having run off to find something.

The old queen made an appearance as I stood outside. She looked as if she pitied me as she saw me almost cowering in the hallway this morning.

"I have one piece of advice for you sweetheart. Today you will hear something that will surprise you, but do not let it trip you up. Explanations never come soon enough," She stated before disappearing in a flurry of silk fabric.

Now I stood here in this vacant hallway off to the side of the great hall, a series of thoughts swirling in my head. The room was filled to the brim with people. So many people spilled out to the courtyard which spilled out the gates and all the way down towards the city.

I was to only enter after Ari and sit right next to him. The instructions were not hard, but I was still worried I would mess it up somehow.

"Where the hell is Madam Lorae?"

"You look sick," I heard a voice call from behind me.

I turned to find Koren and Ren leaning against the wall behind me.

"She doesn't look sick. She looks like she wants to die," Ren chuckled

"Very funny,"

"You will do fine Allayna. Remember you have been doing those lessons with MAdam Lorae all this time for just this occasion," Koren reminded

"That means nothing when it comes down to it"

"It means that you have learned from the best. You will do fine, Madam Lorae would not have you out here if she thought you could not do it,"

I did not reply, silently mulling over his words.

"Perhaps," I said finally before shooing them away.

"Go on you must be in there or your seats will be taken,"

Koren started down the hallway, but Ren stopped and grabbed my hand.

"You will do well Allayna darling. I have complete confidence in you," He said before releasing my hand and walking off.

I only stared after them for a moment before Madam Lorae appeared ushering me towards the great hall.

"Once Sir Ellen is done with his speech His majesty will enter and stand next to the throne. After he stops you enter and do the same thing. You will bow to each other and then sit. It will be smooth sailing from there,"

She looked even more nervous than I felt.

I nodded my understanding. The instructions were simple enough I had no doubt I could execute that without fail. It was just the people, so many staring at me critically. I was afraid of what they would think, especially if I made a mistake.

I peeked out into the room. I could spot my family in the crowd. My mother already balling like a baby.

I leaned back and watched as Sir Ellen gave his long-winded speech. He was wearing a simple crimson robe with a large black hat. He looked so simple next to the extravagance of the thrones. The largest throne obviously belonged to Ari, encrusted with various jewels and gold. Mine was considerably less fancy with its golden base with a few intricate designs riddled with diamonds.

"We today will celebrate a new era! Welcoming a new king that will continue to lead our kingdom to greatness. A lost princess that will unite two nations. It is truly a momentous occasion. All Hail the great kingdom!" Sir Ellen finished I had managed to tune out most of it, but the last part caught my attention.

"Lost princess?" I questioned

Before I could think anymore about those words I was pushed slightly forward. I had not even noticed Ari was already waiting at his throne. I squared my shoulder and held my head high. I schooled my face to remain neutral as I glided towards him. I stopped right before my chair and we both bowed to each other before finally taking our seats. Once I was seated I still remained as rigid as ever staring just slightly above the roaring crowd.

"Just breathe," I heard a voice whisper

I turned my head to peek at Ari he was already looking at me his eyes gentle and reassuring. I nodded slightly at him and we both turned back to the crowd. Sir Ellen quieted the crowd before speaking again.

"Ari Konan Fennerin, Son of Arcanon Fennerin and Lilith Amerie Fennerin. Do you promise to lead this great kingdom to the best of your ability? Promise to always be just and fair? " Sir Ellen asked

"I swear to lead this great kingdom to the best of my ability to always be just and fair,"

Sir Ellen placed the velvet jewel-encrusted crown atop Ari's head and handed him a golden scepter with jewels on the top.

He then walked over to me.

"Endolynn Allayna Steelewater, Daughter of Cassius Arnette Arendale and Ellyissia Rosa Arendale. Do you promise to support the king and rule justly and fairly by his side?" Sir Ellen asked me.

"Daughter of who?"

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