Chapter 11

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I have never seen Ari look so angry. He was pacing the throne room, muttering to himself. We all were ordered to dress in our very best and stand in formation to greet the old king. I was forced into a light pink ensemble.

The silk was smooth and soft and flowed to the ground dragging slightly. The bodice was fairly tight and clinched my waist while hoisting my breasts up. My hair was tamed into a high bun, some of the curly ringlets escaping and a small white diamond tiara sat atop my head. I looked simple and pretty but the dress was constricting my breathing and I was getting increasingly overheated with the long sleeves.

'Damn those chocolate bun buns!' I fussed to myself

Everyone else was dressed extravagantly. Jewel-encrusted jackets and long capes. I was far from envious because it would seem they sported more layers than I did. They all looked slightly nervous. The old king rarely visited the palace anymore and he was not scheduled to visit until his birthday celebration.

"Announcing His Majesty King Arcanon and Her Majesty Queen Lilith!"

We all stood at attention and watched as the large doors opened to reveal a series of guards before the Old King and Old Queen walked into the room.

"Announcing His highness prince Ferran, Her highness Princess Gilda, His Highness Prince Nil, and Her Highness Princess Ollo"

Even Ari's siblings were here. Whatever they were visiting for this must be big.

Ari's siblings, though loving court, refused to attend court at the palace. Instead, they held court with their own brainless followers in their respective states.

"Father, mother, everyone! What brings you here?"

Ari got right to the point. I could see the intensity in his smile.

"Oh, Ari is this how you greet your family? How about you introduce us to these lovely young people here?" His mother the old queen suggested.

The old king looked over all of us his face impassive.

"This is Lord Ren Krishar, Sir Koren Mulda, Sir Mir Tucka, Sir Tori Reeves, Lord Elo Anatan, Sir Prish Noel, Lord Allon Hinef, and Lady Allayna Steelewater"

The old queen's eyes immediately locked on me scrutinizing me.

"Lady Allayna Steelewater? I see, you are the daughter of Lorenxa and Morore yes?" She asked

"Yes your majesty" I confirmed

"Oh no need for formalities dear, you are married to my son which makes you my daughter," She said her smile seemingly warm and inviting.

It was my first time meeting them considering Ari and I had been married for a while now. Weddings are supposed to be extravagant affairs, but ours was just a simple signing of papers. That is mainly why I forget we are even married.

"Allayna? You are just as stunning as everyone says. I can see why my son chose you" The Old king complimented. He looked great for his age and he was handsome. 

It seemed as if they both completely ignored the existence of the others as if only acknowledging my presence in the harem.

"Thank you, you are too kind" I stated politely

They fussed over me for a moment reminding me of my own parents. I could tell it was awkward for the others.

"Ollo! Gilda, why don't you and Lady Allayna take tea in the sunroom? Mother, please join them" Ari suggested

The old queen clapped her hand together.

"OH, what a great idea! Come along Allayna darling let us have some girl time" She said looping her arm through mine and leading me down the hall.

"I'd say we are of the same age" Princess Ollo stated as we made our way to the sunroom.

"I am twenty-two years" I stated absentmindedly

"Ah, I am just two years younger. I stand at twenty years" Princess Ollo stated excitedly.

"Good to know your majesty" I answered

"You don't have to be so formal. I heard my brother plans to make you queen sometime soon" The princess commented.

I was surprised she talked so casually about it; the king had not even told me directly yet.

"I-I suppose so" I stuttered

"Oh, Ollo don't be so rash Ari has not announced it yet. For all we know he could make one of his whores the queen" The old queen said

I was so shocked by her words I almost stopped in my tracks. How could she say something so vile?

I kept my thoughts to myself as we were seated in the sunroom.

We all sat around the large lunch table in the sunroom. The natural light from the large open windows shone so beautifully. I was unaware this even existed. I would have to come here to paint some time.

As soon as we sat our glasses were filled and food was being served. I had no idea how they even found the time to prepare all of this so quickly.

"Mother that is unkind, they are nice people" Gilda defended

"Nice? Perhaps. They seem like whore to me. Only after money and a title" She said

I cringed at her statements. I have no clue why she felt so comfortable saying such things. I suppose she is or was the queen she can say whatever she pleases.


"Father as much as I enjoy seeing you, what prompted this visit?" I asked

We sat in the moon room everyone looking equally as awkward as I felt, except for my father of course.

"Well my son I came to check up on you of course"

"Is that all father? A letter would have sufficed"

"Yes, but you will have to wait until after lunch. I have called an audience with the court in the throne room" he answered

"An audience to discuss what?" I asked slightly annoyed he called an audience and no one bothered to mention it to me.

"I see you still have these young men in your harem. I suppose you did not heed my warning" My father said ignoring my question.

Irritation was growing at the moment. He was being secretive and demeaning.

Lunch went by pretty uneventfully, the room filled with idle chit-chat and nonsense small talk. The atmosphere was clearly uncomfortable what with my father's clear disapproval.

When we were all finished we followed him into the throne room where hundreds of people were already waiting. I spotted Allayna in the crowd comfortably close to my mother and sisters. Though she looked as if she would rather be elsewhere. I took a moment to appreciate her. She was polite and those lessons with MAdam Lorae are paying off. I also could not help how stunning she looked in that dress.

The room was too crowded it seemed even the most aloof of nobles came to see my father.

I watched as my father ascended the platform.

"Friends, family, nobles of this great kingdom. I appreciate all of your good wishes in my time of illness. I have healed almost completely and truly enjoy my time with my family. My son Ari has exceeded expectations when ruling this kingdom and I could not be more proud. That's why I have decided to completely relinquish my crown to him" He announced

As a series of gasps followed my murmuring flowed through the room.

"In three days I shall relinquish my crown officially to my son King Ari Konan Fennerin"

Everyone broke out in furious applause for this unexpected but happy announcement.

The old king put up his hand effectively shutting down the applause.

"Also in four days' time my son, King Ari Konan Fennerin, shall officially name Lady Endolynn Allyna Steelewater as his queen"

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