Chapter 40

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I had calmed down considerably, I understood their points but I could not help still being angry.

Now as I sit in my room running my hand over my stomach I recall our conversation.

"Allayna we are just worried for you. The second those vultures find out you're pregnant we worry they may increase their attacks." Koren explained

"They will attack either way yes? I think it not wise to keep this from them." I answered

"The old king already thought you were pregnant the rumor has been around." Elo tried

"Yes, but it was never confirmed. We actually confirm it now and who knows what will happen." Ren answered

"It won't be secret for long. Soon I will begin to get bigger as if I needed that." I whined

"Awww my puppy, I find your plumpness pleasant," Koren assured

"I never understand if you are insulting me or complimenting me."

"Koren is the king of backhanded compliments...asshole," Elo muttered

Koren cut his eyes at him but chose not to reply.

"Well now that you know, I have been researching activities good for babies and their mothers. We should try some of them!" Prish said excitingly bringing a large tome out of seemingly nowhere.

"Like what?" Allayna asked

"Well, there are lists of foods that can guarantee what sex your child will be. Different breathing methods and exercises we will need to do a lot of those to keep you and the baby healthy." Prish explained

"Prish sweetie you know I love you right, but I would rather hear Elo's obnoxious snoring than do any sort of exercising," I complained

"I-I thought you said it was getting better?" Elo pouted at Ren

"It was for a while there, but now it sounds as if someone is whipping a thousand cows right in my ear," Ren answered

"Allayna we have to take good care of the baby. This child is the future of our kingdom! We must ensure nothing happens.


"Ah! Fuck Koren slow down!" I screamed

Koren smirked but did not slow down at all. If at all possible his thrusts became even more erratic as if he was trying to hurt me.

I was big and that was a fact, but something about Koren made me submit to him with relative ease. He leaned down elbows resting on each side of my head. He rested his body along mine and grabbed my head pulling it back harshly.

"Elo you have been so bad lately. You must be punished." He growled speeding up, his thrusts becoming almost violent.

"What did I tell you Elo hmm?" He hissed

"You told me to leave it to you," I whined

"And what did you do?" He asked

"I questioned you, I'm sorry Koren." I cried

"Not good enough Elo. Are you sorry?" Koren asked

"Yes, I am! I am so sorry." I cried

"No you're not sorry, not yet, but you will be." He hissed


I sat in the library clearing my thoughts. Allayna sat across the room her head resting on her hand as she slept. Her breathing was slow and calming. I was glad she came with me to do some more research on pregnancy although she fell asleep. I have been keeping fairly quiet over these last few weeks concerning everything. I just wanted Allayna to be happy and I always wish for the best for her. Her injuries were almost healed and she seemed to be handling the morning sickness fairly well.

"I just wish you did not have to live such a dangerous life," I whispered to myself

The peace was nice considering the chaos that has been surfacing.

"Allayna why don't you paint anymore." I inquired
She was reading by the window face almost contorted in pain.

"I have been feeling weary I suppose? My hands are not as steady as they once were." She answered I was silent for a beat before she spoke again

"I felt as if I have aged gravely in just a short time. I love art, but now I cannot even find solace in it. I feel dreadful, is that it?" She said

"Yes quite dreadful," I whispered

I had just managed to settle down with another novel on caring for children when the door opened. The library doors are very old and creaked loudly when moved. The noise woke Allayna from her light slumber.

"I am surprised to see you here your majesty." Councilman Parrish stated bowing slightly

A shiver ran up my spine just looking at him. The man was a snake so evil and cunning. He would prove difficult to handle. He even resembled a snake, with sharp eyes that held nothing but contempt. A long smile that made the hair on my neck stand at attention.

"Hello, Councilman Parrish. It is quite late in the afternoon, I would have assumed you went home by now." Allayna greeted

"Yes, well I decided to visit here for a bit. Such vast knowledge in this place is yet so unappreciated. Perhaps that is why they let unworthy people care for it." He replied

I found it hard to muster an emotion over his words. I have been insulted plenty by the council members. The very people that do not frequent the library have the gall to find problems with those that care for it.

"I suppose we let anyone in these days." He said

"Councilman Parrish I certainly hope you are not speaking on anyone in this room. That would prove...unfavorable for you." Allayna stated

"Is that so? Well your Highness I am not too worried." Councilman Parrish stated turning on his heel and walking towards the door. He stopped at the door frame and turned to glare at

"Also Your Highness, please try not to get separated from your loved ones again. Next time you and your baby might not make it." He stated before slamming the door behind him.

"What the hell?!" Allayna yelled in confusion

"I have to kill him!" She said before standing up from her seat.

I ran towards her. "Allayna sweetie settle down." I tried

"Guards!" She screamed

Five guards burst into the room ready to receive her orders.

"Allayna!" I yelled

She finally spared me a look waiting for me to explain myself.

"I told you we would handle this. We cannot take him with impulsive actions and brute force. He is too influential." I explained

"Who is more influential than the queen!" Allayna yelled

"A displaced queen with a price on her head. A king captured by the enemy. Allayna you are not in a position to influence. They do not know what you are capable of, not yet. We must bide our time." I explained

"Well let us bide our time Prish, but the second that sack of hog shit tries me again I will cut him down myself," Allayna growled before stomping from the room.

"Why am I turned on right now?" I mumbled to myself willing my member to stop standing at attention. She was stunning when she was angry.

I only hesitated for a moment before running after her.

"Your majesty would you like some stress relief?!"

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