Chapter 39

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"This is absurd! You are a fool if you believe we will allow her majesty the Queen to give herself up to that tyrant!" Councilman Finn cried

"We have no choice, he promised the return of the king and the end of the war." Councilwoman Teru tried

"He is known to be untrustworthy Miriam, there is no reason to believe he will not go back on his word. This is warfare! It is idiotic to believe anyone. Besides we do not exchange one monarch for another." Councilman Ryo cried

My head was pounding and I was getting increasingly nauseous. I had not felt well since the incident. I was increasingly sick, my body felt tender and sore. I felt as if I was coming down with something.


It wasn't anything too serious yet here I was crying like a big baby. It was a dog he looked lost and sad which was bad enough but now I was out in the rain crying while holding on to this damned dog. If anyone were to ask how the hell I got here I would not be able to tell them.

All I can think about is how sad that damned dog looked. I was storming away from Koren after he pissed me off for some reason or another and that is when I saw him. He was limping in the rain looking sad and so dejected. I started tearing up immediately. My body moved on its own as I ran outside to embrace the lost animal.

Eventually, Ren and Prish spotted me and dragged me inside. I would not let go of the dog so they took him in too. Long story short I have a new dog.

I thought back to that time, Inu licked my ankles as she lay under my chair.

I felt so odd I was at a loss. I had never lost control of my emotions like this before.
I thought maybe I was dying of some unknown disease or something. I even visited my mother to see what she thought.

"Honey it sounds as if you are pregnant." She said simply.

"Me? No, I doubt that." I answered simply

"If you say so, but it really seems to be the case" She insisted

I shrugged it off then, but now I am not so sure.

"Enough!" I yelled my patience has worn thin.

"I feel sick just hearing you all squabble like this! I will handle this on my own. It is a complete waste to rely on you buffoons for anything!" I growled as I stood and stomped out of the room.

The stunned silence was enough to know I crossed some sort of line but I was so irritated I did not even think of the consequences.

"Your majesty!" Grisha yelled from behind me.

She caught up to me in no time, but I still made an effort to lose her.

"Grisha not now please I feel as if my head will explode and my stomach will empty any second now," I called

"Maybe you should go to the doctor your majesty. It would seem something is gravely wrong." Grisha worried

"I did go and he told me I was perfectly fine! Imagine that! I am perfectly fine when I feel like I have been run over by a carriage!" I yelled in frustration

"Please calm down, let us go to your chambers," Grisha suggested

I nodded and followed her my mind swirling.

Grisha has been acting so strange lately.

Sneaking around, being up at late hours, and leaving the palace to meet with unknowns. I was caught up in my own problems, but there was no way I wouldn't notice my closest confidant's odd behavior.

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