Chapter 44

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"I feel the need to make it known that I would prefer to be anywhere, but here right now," Elo announced

As we stood on the edge of Lord Zarare's property watching as the large expensive house went up in flames, I wondered how we got there.

"To be fair this was all Allayna's fault," Koren grumbled

He had taken to lounging on the bench staring at the stars.

"Shove it, Koren." I hissed

You see what happened was........

Once were taken to our rooms I was positively disgusted.

"That man is something else isn't he?" Prish asked

I nodded plopping down the bed.

"I cannot wait to get out of here. I feel dirty just being in the same general area as him."

"Well, no use in arguing the point. Let's just go to sleep and focus on it in the morning. Allayna are you hungry?" Koren asked

I shook my head. I had no appetite, The journey here was far too nauseating.

I just lay down wishing to rest if only for a little while.

At some point, I fell asleep. When I woke the room was pitch black and I could hear slight snoring from beside me. I was blearily trying to figure out what woke me when I heard, a slight creaking coming from the door.

I froze before sitting up and looking at the now slightly opened door.

I shook Prish awake and he grumbled before sitting up.

"What is it?" He asked rubbing his eyes a bit.

"I think someone was in here come with me," I whispered

I slid from the best and tiptoed to the door.

When I peeked out I noticed what looked like a hooded figure a little way down the hall.

"What is going on?" Koren asked

"Shhhhhh." I hissed

He rolled his eyes before peeking over me to look out the door frame.

"What the hell is that?' He asked

"I don't know, but I will need you to lower your voice." I fussed

Just then the figure started further down the hall. When I deemed it safe I slipped from the room and started after them. "This seems dangerous," Elo whined from somewhere behind me.

Unsure when he had even gotten up I ignored him.

The halls were fairly dark save for the lone torch the figure held as it made its way down the steps. These stairs seemed never ending as they went down and down further.

"What if it's a trap?" Ren asked

"You aren't gonna be nagging like Elo are you?" Koren asked him

Ren huffed but remained silent.

"When did you all even get up?" I whispered but received no answers

The long staircase finally gave way to a dark hallway. It was a bit dank and dreary and pitch black. The figure seemed to know its way. At the end of the hall, I saw it open a door letting light spill into the hallway. The figure quickly entered the room and shut the door once again inviting darkness. I waited a few beats before making my way clumsily to the door. I felt around on the wall for the knob and slowly turned it and creaked open the door.

Nothing in this world could have prepared me for what was on the other side of that door.

If I thought what I saw earlier was grotesque this was even worse. Loads of people lay about in various states of undress and lewd positions.

They all circled a large fire encased in a large glass. It went all the way through the ceiling I suppose in an effort to prevent the fire from burning down the house. To one side lay an altar of some sort with a woman on top she was bleeding profusely and did not look to be breathing.

"I-is that some sort of sacrifice?" I whispered in horror.

"Hey, newcomers!" One man called

He was stark naked and I could not help but watch as his member bounced with each step he took.

"My a beautiful specimen." he crooned as he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

"No thank you" I started

"No need to be shy just take it off." He slurred

He brought me further into the room closer to the glass.

"No," I said firmly this time.
"Take it off!": He growled he reach for my shirt and ripped it before he was grabbed by his hair.

"She said No," Koren growled before slamming the guy into the column next to him.

I had never seen Koren that angry his face was red and he looked terrifying in the glow of the fire.

The column shook violently at the force and I watched in horror as this caused one of the floating statues to snap. It was held up by ropes that looked to be worn already. Once the rope snapped the statue lunged forward right into the glass covering the fire. The crash was loud and glass flew everywhere.

Before I could grasp the situation Koren grabbed my hand and led us out of there and back to the staircase.

The fire was quick as it was already spreading up the stairs.

We left our belongings and ran out the house and did not stop until we reached the end of the property. As we turned there stood that house up in flame   

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