Chapter 15

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The Previous Day: Tori

"Now time for punishment," Ren started dragging me down the hallways towards his room.

That was this morning and I was so sore I could scream.

"Tori, you are overreacting," Ren stated sipping on his glass of wine.

"This coming from the one that wasn't getting punished,"

A loud knock sounded at the door.

"Come in!" Ren called

Ari threw open the door and stalked in.

"Something wrong Ari?" I asked

"Yes, tomorrow is an important day and I will need all of your help," As soon as he was finished in came Koren, Prish, Allon, Mir, and Elo.

"What did you need us all here for chief?" Elo asked plopping on a chair and almost toppling over.

"Fool" Koren hissed as he took the brunt of Elo's weight and helped him straighten out of the chair.

Once he settled down Ari spoke.

"Tomorrow Allayna and I will be crowned. During the ceremony and after I need all of you to make sure Allayna does NOT leave your sight," Ari stated seriously

"So soon?" I questioned

"My father is pushing things along, clearly he is in some sort of rush"

"What is going on Ari? Why do we need to make sure she doesn't leave our sight?" Koren asked

"The truth is Allayna is not who she thinks she is," Ari stated cryptically.

"Meaning?" Elo asked

"Meaning once she is found out she will be a target," Ari explained

"But Ar-" Prish started

"Just do as I say!" Ari yelled before stomping out of the room.

"What is going on?"


The figure was well hidden, blending into the crowd of people close to the wall. I slipped through making it seem like I had somewhere to be and once I reached them I stood still not speaking. I waited a moment before finally opening my mouth.

"Are you prepared?"

"You need not worry about me. Have you completed your part?"

"Yes, you have one shot do not fuck it up"


"Your birthday will be soon," Grisha stated as she fussed over the dress I was to wear tomorrow.

"Yes, well there seem to be more important things clouding my mind," I said

"I know, but perhaps after all of this planning your birthday celebration will help take your mind off of things," Grisha suggested

She was hunched over the table carefully sewing a few pieces of the dress.

The dress was golden in color. The skirts are sheer and embroidered with golden flowers. The bodice was the same cutting across the chest leaving the shoulders exposed. Tassels hung from the top in silky golden strands.

"This dress will compliments your skin tone so nicely," Grisha said mostly to herself

"It is lovely Grisha, but I just don't know," I said rolling around in my bed.

"Does anyone? My lady tomorrow you shall be the queen of this land. No matter what you may think or feel. It is not just that there is no better option there is no other option," Grisha replied

"I just wanted to be a painter. To travel the world and paint the most beautiful sights. Open a gallery maybe one day. This is far more than I could have ever imagined." I groaned

"It is far more than any of us could have imagined. My lady, it is time to give up those dreams of yours. Things are different now. Now you must focus on becoming a queen this kingdom can rely on,"

"Yes, I know," I grumbled

"No more of this talk, we must be ready very early tomorrow. Get some sleep, I will be back in the morning to make some last alterations and get you ready." Grisha said as she hung the dress back on the hook and tucked me in.

"Goodnight, dream of something serene it will calm you," She said making her way to the door

"As if I can control it," I answered 

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