Chapter 4

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I was a nervous mess that next morning. I could barely even sleep and once the sun slightly peeked out from the horizon I was up and about.

I dug deep into my wardrobe and found a pair of trousers and a tunic. The outfit was simple, and I mainly used it when I ventured into the city. It was considered unbecoming of someone with my status. I was the only one in the harem required to wear normal court wear. I usually donned tight corsets and ridiculously large skirts, but this time my attire called for something practical.

I pulled my wild and thick curls back from my face with a piece of ripped cloth and slipped my feet into my brother's old riding boots.

My supplies were heavier than I anticipated. The canvas I used was sizeable and the paints were plentiful. This early in the morning very few of the palace staff were available so I heaved everything downstairs into the garden by myself. It took quite a few trips, but I managed to get it all out into the garden without breaking anything.

The task helped the time pass and once I was finished the sun was much higher in the sky.

The garden was serene and quiet at this time of day. I chose a spot near the entrance in front of a large tree. This created a nice background and ample space. I sat between two round tables each with four chairs. The tables were usually used for tea times, but for now, they were empty.

I started to set up my supplies. I dragged my little stool to an acceptable spot. I set up my easel and placed a large canvas on top.

I also brought along a little table that I now set up to hold my paints and brushes.

I tucked my only pencil behind my ear, it was getting smaller and I would soon need another, but for now, it worked just fine for its purpose.

"Beautiful" I heard a deep, gruff voice state from behind me

I almost jumped in the air at the sudden sound. It was so quiet at this time of day I was too enthralled in my own head.

I turned slowly to find one of the tallest of the harem wandering into the space.

Mir was a man of very few words. He is by far the tallest in the harem and had a very tough exterior. His skin was as dark as mine and his hair fell across his shoulder in reddish-brown ringlets.

His eyes were usually covered as I heard him mention before that he does not like them, but his strong jaw and plump lips were on full display. There was even a light pink scar that ran across his cheek in the shape of an X.

I learned he used to be the king's personal bodyguard before becoming his lover. Even now I can see him still hovering protectively over the king at times.

"Good morning" I greeted

He nodded in acknowledgment before plopping down at one of the tables.

"We can start whenever you are ready" He grumbled once he was settled

"An early bird I see"

I was mumbling so I assumed he did not hear, but one could never be so sure with Mir. He knows everything.

I quickly set up the rest of my materials and motioned for Mir to sit in front of me.

"Would it be too much to have you show your entire face?" I asked softly

Mir did not react at first and I assumed he had not heard, but before I could reask he swept his hair from his eyes and tied it back.

How I was not prepared for how stunning Mir is. His eyes are a sharp icy blue, almost with long dark lashes. His nose is straight from the bridge to the tip.

"T-thank you" I mumbled

He grunted in acknowledgment and now I realize Mir has probably heard everything I have been mumbling this entire time. I did not let myself dwell on it and started on the sketch.

I was deep into my sketch trying to make sure I got his eyes just right when I heard more people enter the garden.

"Damn you Mir! I wanted to be first!" yelled Tori

While Mir was the tallest Tori was the shortest. He stood just under my height with a lean and muscular physique. He was athletic and could always be found practicing the sword or horseback riding.

"Good morning" I greeted

"Morning Lady Allayna"

Before anything else could be said more voices and footsteps could be heard drawing near. The space was now filled with people, the rest of the harem joining us.

"Good morning" I greeted all of them at once glad my voice did not waver for once

"Ah, Lady Allayna you look...comfortable" Koren stated

Of course not a real compliment. He was smiling widely as he stared at me, but once again it was that sinister smile.

Koren never took a break.

"T-thank you?" I replied

Koren all but pushed Mir from the seat and plopped down in front of me. I wanted to argue, but since Mir said nothing I refrained from opening my mouth.

I set Mir's canvas off to the side promising to finish it later and perhaps I could ask Mir to pose a little more for me.

I was far less afraid of him than I was of the rest of them.

Koren cleared his throat, clearly impatient.

I grabbed another canvas and sat it on the easel, it was then that I noticed Koren's clothing, or lack thereof.

He only wore a long tunic that fell dangerously from his shoulders and that was it. I was unsure if there was anything under that tunic at all, but I tried my best not to think about it.

It was sensual and enticing the way he posed. As scary as I found Koren he was stunning and he knew it. He stretched back a bit in the chair the tunic rising dangerously.

I gulped visibly as he smirked seemingly knowing the effect he had.

"Koren you whore" Ren called in amusement

"This will hang in the King's room. I need it to be attention-getting" Koren answered not taking his eyes off me.

I was not aware I even needed to do full-body paintings. I was told only portraits.

Now I really needed to get Mir to pose again.

"Hmm, that actually makes sense"

Ren immediately started to remove his trousers.

"What are you doing!" I yelled in surprise

Ren jumped and glared at me. "Settle down Allayna darling, will you? Get any louder and the entire kingdom will wake"

"Oh did my puppy get scared? Just a little skin, not like you haven't seen it before"

Koren was never going to let me forget. I was beginning to think he knows all of my secrets.

"This is going to be a long day" I mumbled and to my horror, I heard a small chuckle from Mir.

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