Chapter 5

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The sun was still high in the sky and the heat of the day was abnormal. I was unsure if that was truly the weather or if it was my ever-increasing body temperature. I could feel the trousers I wore sticking to my thighs, sweat allowing them to cling. My shirt was gladly loose enough, but it could stick in areas that touched my heated skin. I had to shed the boots earlier in the day due to the copious amount of sweat that was collecting in the bottom.

While I was sweating like crazy, they were having a grand time. They were barely dressed so the what of the day did not touch them.

After Koren, it went downhill from there. Every one of them wears less and less clothing. Prish, who went before Allon, wore just an undergarment when posing. His lanky and toned body stretched sideways on the grass, looking tremendously suggestive. Finally, it was Allon's turn. I should not have been surprised Allon chose to one-up everyone else and pose naked. The man was truly a sight. Standing tall and slim he just stood there hands on his hips waiting for me to get started. I was so surprised I could not tear my eyes away from what lie between his slender thighs. It was a glorious thing, long and thick, and seemed to get stiffer the longer everyone stared at it.

"Lady Allayna, sweetheart you are drooling" Koren started coming up behind me

He had finally decided to be decent and put on some pants, but he still walked around with that shoulder-baring tunic.

He placed his delicate fingers on my shoulders.

"I-I am just surprised that is all," 

As much as I tried to focus I could not. That beautiful bastard stood there in all his naked glory, his member now standing proudly against his stomach. He looked unbothered, but I was entirely too flustered to continue.

"Lady Allayna if you do not get this done soon we will surely melt from this heat" Allon called obviously amused by my predicament.

It was the first time I had seen someone so blatantly naked and open. Of course plenty of times I have peeked into their nightly activities and managed to spot their private areas. This was the first time I had seen it so close and open. It was also obvious Allon was one of the more well-endowed members.

"Allayna hurry up!" I hear Ren bark from the sidelines. I jumped slightly and focused back in. This was the fastest I have ever sketched anything in my life. I wanted it over with as soon as possible so I could go somewhere to cool down.

"What had my puppy so worked up?"

Koren knew just how to get under my skin. His warm breath tingled against my ear as he spoke his hands not leaving my shoulders.

I chose not to say anything.

"Puppy should answer me when I am speaking to her" He hissed

"Uh, well" I stumbled

"What was that? Speak up"


"Speak up"

"Maybe you are scaring her" Allon laughed

"Aw, you scared little girl?" Elo added

"Is my puppy scared of me?"

I could hear the laugh in his voice.

At this point, it was all too much. Before I could think about it I slammed my pencil donw and ran off out of the gardens.

"Lady Allayna!" I heard multiple voices call, all of them obviously amused.

I hid in a small hallway off of the main hallway and leaned against the wall doing my best to catch my breath.

"Lady Allayna are you alright?" I heard soft voices call from down the hall.

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