Chapter 8

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"I think it best you take a rest for a few days"

Madam Lorae was standing off to the side a long wooden paddle in her hand.

"A rest?"

"Time goes by quickly. We must elevate your training and I believe you should have a rest before we do that"

I did not like the idea of elevating my training, but I jumped at eh opportunity to gather my thoughts and practice.

When I told Grisha about my break, she urged me to visit my family in the city.

"Just until you collect your thoughts and feelings" she told me

I had not told her what transpired at the bath, but she noticed I was rather confused lately.

She immediately sent me along on a carriage the next morning and waved to me as I left the palace grounds. My family was not actually nobility. My father ran a shipping company and my mother a popular clothing store, all started with the family wealth my parents inherited. We are very well off and with money comes power. Somehow my father got into the old king's council and has been a trusted friend and adviser for years. Despite not being nobility, my family home is in a neighborhood called Turnell Lane. A lengthy stretch of road lined with large extravagant houses that housed the kingdoms most rich and powerful people, mostly nobles.

The carriage was slowly making its way down the cobblestone road. It was fairly quiet this time of day. Usually, nobles would be traipsing the street either shopping, eating, or causing havoc.

"We are here my lady" The driver called as he pulled up to the large gate that separates the road from my house.

"I will get out here Gregor thank you so much"

I quickly hoped from the carriage with Gregor's help and bounded through the gate. The roadway towards my house was by no means short. It was long and winding, but I often enjoyed taking the walk especially when the weather was nice.

Though I clearly have waited too long to visit. The walk proved fairly difficult as my breath became labored, and a cramp twisted in my abdomen.

It did not take me long to spot the front door to my house. One of the doors was left open and shouting could be heard coming from inside.

"Why me" I groaned loudly as I finally made it into the house and slammed the door.

The shouting stopped and then someone spoke.

"Who goes there?" the deep gruff voice of my father asked

"The spirit of this house" I called back rubbing my side to will away the cramp.

"Ally? What are you doing here?"

I rounded the corner and stopped in the doorway leading to the parlor. Now I knew what all the yelling was about. In the parlor sat my father, mother, and my four older brothers. Father and my brothers bumped heads more often than not sometimes.

"I see there is a family reunion no wonder there was so much shouting" I said as I plopped on the couch next to my mother. She pulled me into her arms, and I rested my head on her bosom as she gently stroked my hair.

"You still did not answer the question dear sister"

My eldest brother Honna was a charmer. Long black hair and pale grey eyes that clashed with is dark skin. Honna was popular amongst men and women, but the issue with Honna is that he is evil. I don't take the word evil lightly, but Honna definitely fits that description.

"Is it so wrong for me to want to spend time with my family?"

"Trouble in paradise?" My other brother Jaslyn asked.

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