Chapter 32

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"It has been days! They are working her to the bone!" Elo yelled

He had been in an uproar these last few days concerning Allayna. I could understand where he was coming from. It was bad enough she was exposed so constantly with a target on her head , but she was gone all day and all night doing her queenly duties.

"It cannot be helped, Elo." Prish stated head buried in his book. Although he pretended to be unaffected I could tell worry lay within him.

"Do you suggest we storm the audience room and demand she take a break?" Ren asked sarcastically

Elo rolled his eyes and plopped down in a chair.

"I am just worried you know. It's bad enough they no longer allow us even near her." Elo argued

"That is interesting," I added

"I don't get that! We are her...her husbands!" Elo exclaimed

"Well, we aren't technically her husbands," I added

"It doesn't matter even at night they stand three guards by her door! Ari did not even have that much security!" Elo tried

"There also wasn't a deranged homicidal monarch after Ari's head. Our Allyana is a special case." Ren stated

"That is true," I added

"Even still we should not be blocked from seeing her. It's not right!" Elo argued

"He is right. That is odd how we are all of sudden not allowed to even speak with her." Prish added


"Koren, I want you to ensure Allayna's safety. The court is a dangerous place, I can't trust them out of my sight." Ari whispered before climbing onto his horse.


I figured they would try something, but this has gone completely over our heads.

"What can we do about it?" Ren asked

"First we have to find out what is going on," I stated

"Tonight we investigate!" Elo yelled

Later that night

It was the dead of night and Allayna was escorted to her room almost an hour ago. She seemed to be very exhausted these days so I am sure she is already sleeping.

Prish and I exited our room at the same time and made our way to her door.

"Can we please pass?" I asked simply

"I am sorry Lord Koren, but we have been ordered to not let anyone in her majesty the Queen's room until dawn." One of them stated

"Even then sir only Miss Grisha is allowed inside at that time." The other finished

"Not even us?" I questioned

"Not even you sir." One of them answered

"Why is that? Who is ordering you?" I asked

They both hesitated for a stretch.

"We cannot divulge that information, Lord Koren." One of them stated

"I order you to tell me who is behind this!" I urge

"Sir please, you will wake her majesty!" One of them hissed

It was obvious we were going nowhere using this tactic, so I decided to try something different.

"I wonder what her majesty would say if she knew you were doing this?" I asked

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