Chapter 26

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"Grisha, would you be terribly upset if I were to leave?"

Grisha paused a slight look of panic running across her features. She quickly schooled her face back to its serene and impassive state.

"I would be upset, but if that is what you wish to do there is nothing I can do to stop you. You are my queen after all," Grisha answered carefully

"I am not saying I wish to leave Grisha it's just a thought,"

"Thoughts like that can be, dangerous my queen,"

"I just think back to the days when things were easier. All I worried about was what I would paint next. Now things are so...complicated. I mean am I supposed to stay here and plan a stupid birthday celebration? While everyone else risks their lives?"

"Are you saying you wish to go to war?"


"What is it that you believe you can accomplish going with them?"


"My lady, do you know the story of the ten-day queen?" Grisha asked


"Once upon a time there was a girl, average in appearance and from a lower noble family. She was nothing special and often did not stand out to those around her. Sometimes people even forgot she was in the room. She seemed to enjoy her mediocre existence.

Nothing was expected of her and she did not expect anything from anyone else. One day she met a man, he was tall and handsome and above all else he was kind. She had just been reading in a small little bakery when he walked in.

Unlike everyone else he immediately noticed her. They talked and talked until the sun was well into its slumber and the sky as an inky black. Once they parted they promised to meet again, and they did. Day after day they met at that same small bakery and talked. Sometimes they would go to other places or walk down by the creek. It was not until a year into the friendship that the man proposed. He got on one knee and promised to love her until his dying day. Well as it turns out the man was no ordinary man, but a king. A king of the very kingdom of which they both lived. The girl could not fathom the idea of being queen. It worried her to the point that she left. She ran off into another kingdom never to return. The end"

"W-what was supposed to be the lesson here? She was never even queen?" I asked

"The lesson is that she did not even try, she ran off like a child and missed out of the love of her life. She eventually got impregnated by a traveling circus clown and gave birth in a swamp. She also died having accidentally ate poisonous rosenberries, "

"That is unfortunate,"

"Yes and that will be you if you give up now," Grisha urged.

"Ah yes, wouldn't want that," I said sarcastically

"That is life, your majesty. Things rarely go the way you want them to. More often than not we are forced to do things that we dislike or that we are woefully unprepared for. But we cannot run. Running is weak and never solves anything. You will never know how it will turn out unless you try,"

Grisha left then to attend to other matters and I slowly made my way toward Ari's room.

She was right and I knew she was right. How I wished at had as much confidence in myself as she seemed to have.

I knocked twice before opening the door. Ari sat at his desk pouring over rolls of parchment. He looked exhausted. His under eyes were dark and baggy his eyes themselves were bloodshot.

"Must be a lot of work," I said softly as I made my way towards him.

"Never a day without something to handle," He answered not looking up from his work.

"Do you need any help? This could be like practice for me, right?" I asked stopping beside him and leaning over his shoulder.

He slightly glared at me until I straightened up before he answered.

"You cannot do any of this, sensitive material,"


"Do not look so sad. How about this, You can help distract me for a few hours,"

"How am I to do that?"

"I want you to dance for me,"

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