Chapter 38

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"She needs to know Koren!" I yelled staring at him in disbelief.

"Keep it down Elo damn!" Koren hissed

"Koren we can't keep something like this a secret." I tried again.

"I know, but she is entirely too stressed right now to deal with this. Besides we have no clue who tried to kill her!" Koren explained

"If we don't tell her we are potentially putting her and the baby at risk," Ren stated

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Allayna, our sweet darling girl, is pregnant! As exciting as this news is I cannot forget her fearful gaze as she explained the figure that tried to kill her.

Trying to kill the Queen!

At this point the court was in an uproar, the council was interrogating anything that could form sentences. To say the least, it was a shit show.

"We cannot tell a soul about this, if the perpetrator finds out they could aim for her even harder," Koren explained.

I am not liking this in the least bit.

"Our main priority is keeping her safe. I have doubts she is even safe in the palace, but at this point, we have no other options." Koren stated

I turned and headed back into Allayna's room. She was in bed staring at the wall. She looked so sad and so tired. My heart twisted in sadness at seeing her seeming so pathetic.

"Allayna honey are you hungry?" I asked

She slowly turned to stare at me a moment, her eyes not seeming to even register my presence at first.

"Yes, please Elo." She whispered

I nodded and quickly made my way to the hall looking for the nearest servant.

"Hey!" I called to a small woman holding an empty basket.

"Yes, my lord." She said bowing.

"Please get the queen some food would you? Something with lots of meats and cheeses." I requested

She nodded and ran off down the hall towards the kitchen.

I re-entered the room to find Koren snuggled up to her petting gently on her stomach. She did not seem to find that weird since Koren was always so physical, but I knew it was more. It was as if he was soothing the growing life in her stomach, already looking so loving.

I settled next to her letting her rest her head on my shoulder

"Allayna darling you are aware we will not let you out of our sights again, yes?"Koren asked

She actually smiled at that.

"I am aware." She said resting a hand on my thigh.

"Also you need to start taking care of yourself Allayna. Eating better and resting more. It will help you heal." I suggested

"I suppose." She answered distractedly.

"Allayna!" Prish singsonged as he entered the room.

He crawled into the bed from the foot and snuggled under the blanket.

I watched as he wiggled up the bed and settled his head on Allayna's stomach.

"You seem extra snugly today Prish, something up?" Allayna joked

Prish smiled before shaking his head no.

I could appreciate her change in attitude. Though she still looked tired the sadness has left her eyes, at least for now.

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