Chapter 23

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We had been staying with Allayna for days at this point. She was healing, but slowly. When I first learned what happened I had no idea how to feel. My heart was in pain and m head was filled with worries. It was worse seeing how Ari took it. None of us had made it back to the room so we had no idea an assassin was lying in wait. When we saw Prish running down the hallway tears streaming down his face and an unmoving Allayana in his arms we feared the worst. Even Prish ignored the pain of his arm to carry her away.

We learned later that the assassin killed themselves right after they shot Allayana. Clearly, this was all a part of their plan.

My mind was filled with my shortcomings. Seeing her lying there unmoving the doctors raced to save her life. She had not woken up for what felt like forever.

One of those days when she was asleep the only sign of life being the slight movement of her chest which would sometimes shudder, I sat back and told her my story.

I do not remember much of my life before I met Sanda I do not remember my parents, or where I was born. I only remember at the tender age of three I was taken to live with Sanda Chess. She was only in her twenties then.

A young woman that lost her baby and wanted to take care of someone. It was okay at first, she was possessive and strict, but still kind and caring. At that time I already had a speech problem. I could not speak properly which angered her for some reason. I believe she wanted a perfect child, not one with issues. Instead of getting me help for my speech issue, she told me not to speak at all.

I was to be silent at all times, which in some ways made it worse. She made me learn swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat. I learned to ride a battle horse and to kill a man with my bare hands. By the time I was an adult I was the perfect result of her breeding. When I was just 17 years I married Sanda. I was unsure why the woman who raised me wanted me as her husband but she did. At this time she was well into her thirties. She was a beautiful woman no doubt, but I did not love her in that way. Our wedding night was dreadful. I felt no attraction to the woman, but she did not let that stop her.

She was not mean, she was just...needy, possessive, and angry. My love for her grew into disgust which grew into hatred. I was an adult that could not even speak to express myself properly. Then she became pregnant. I was discouraged from leaving due to her condition. She was with my child, how could I leave her? I quickly l took a job as a palace guard. It paid well and it allowed for little danger. It also provided room and board so I did not have to be at home with Sanda. I know it is considered running away, but it became increasingly hard to stand being in the same house as that woman.

I met the king on my second week of working. He was pacing the hall obviously in some sort of distress.

I wanted to get his attention, but I haven't spoken in years. I settled on clearing my throat. His eyes shot up to mine before speaking.

"Oh hello. Have I met you before?" He asked

I shook my head no.

"Well, what is your name?"

I opened my mouth trying to speak if only to tell him my name

"M-maaiirrrrrrrrr" I stumbled out

"Mir? Interesting name,"

"Well Mir I must go but I look forward to seeing you again," He said before disappearing down the hallway.

I didn't even get a chance to tell him my name was not Mir, it was Marina.

The prince visited me often eventually discovering my condition. Immediately offered to help me dragging me to the library to meet a man named Prish. Prish was smart and sweet and I enjoyed to lessons we had together. Prish taught me to the best of his ability. I could notice a difference immediately. And so did Sanda. By this point, Sanda was at the end of her pregnancy. She was emotional and quick to anger. She always voiced her opinion on me spending all of my time at the palace. I simply indicated I was working. She did not seem to care, she demanded I stay home until the child was born. She even sent a letter without my knowledge to the palace asking for leave.

I was angry he went behind my back but there was not much that could be done about it.

I stayed home completely miserable. Sanda attached herself to me at all times, as if afraid I would leave her again. I was itching for the child to be born, not just because I could finally go back to the palace but because I was becoming excited at the thought of becoming a father.

Finally, the day had come Sanda went into labor. I was not sure of their roles, the women that helped deliver the child that is. They had been staying with us for a while and were helping prepare for the new child. I was shunned from the room and made to wait.

It took hours and hours of screaming and yelling before the door was opened.

It was a beautiful baby girl with tufts of curly hair and snow-white skin.

I adored her the second I laid eyes on her.

"Sir we have some bad news," One of the nurses stated

She looked so sad, I could already tell what news I was to hear.

"Your wife did not make it," She revealed

Although the news was shocking I was not sad. I suppose I was sad for the woman who raised me, but that feeling was never enough to overwhelm me. It was not indifference it was just, something.

There I was alone with a child I knew not how to care for. I did the only thing I could think to do. I ran to Prish. Prish immediately consulted Ari. Before I knew it a young couple had arrived. Princess Gilda and Prince Henry.

Ari explained that Gilda lost her husband right after Henry was born. She never wanted to remarry, but she wanted another child. Someone to accompany one-year-old Henry.

I watched as she held the baby in her arms. She gazed at her adoringly as she rocked her back and forth lulling her to sleep.

I knew then that this was the only option. I could not give my daughter what she needed, but Princess Gilda could.

It happened so fast, the next thing I knew my daughter was adopted and named.

"Alicia" I whispered loving the name already.

"She will always know you are her father. I would never take that from you," Gilda stated

"No," I whispered

She leaned closer to hear me better.

"I want her to be yours. All yours," I said

Though it was broken, she understood.

"Well then I will honor your wish," She said as they entered the carriage to leave. Gilda lived in the summer palace to the south. It was far away which troubled me, but Gilda assured they would visit often.

Though sad to see my daughter go I was relieved. She would be loved and grow up as a princess!

I couldn't remember how Ari and I fell into something past friendship. It was somewhere between the relationship I had started with Prish. Whatever the case I was happy, something I hadn't been since I came to live with Sanda.

I still do not speak much, which is something those around me are understanding of.

They accept me for who I am just as I accept them. It is a relationship built on friendship and survived by love.

Also, I still haven't told them my name is not Mir, but that's okay I prefer that name anyways.

When I finished speaking I could see a slight twitch of her hand. I have no idea what came over me but I immediately held it. There was no more movement but I reported it to everyone anyway. I like to think Allayna did hear me even in the state she was in.

I hope she knows I have never told anyone that story, nor have I ever talked so much.

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