Chapter 33

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The old queen truly went all out for this soiree. The ceiling was filled with crystals and white flowers that dangled toward the ground. The ballroom looked like a winter wonderland. Everything was washed in white. Even the servants were dressed in immaculate white uniforms.

The party was getting in full swing. They were late announcing the queen. It was unlike them to be so late, especially on an event such as this. I could see the old queen was pacing the floor clearly upset at the delay.

"I'm getting anxious," Prisha mumbled adjusting his jacket for the hundredth time.

"Calm down, do you remember the plan?" I asked eyeing him critically.

"Yes, I do. I am no imbecile Koren. I just can't shake the feeling that this won't work." He revealed

"It has to work. If it doesn't then we all die. Plain and simple." I answered

Prish rolled his eyes and focused his attention back on the door.

Of course, it was not anything that dramatic. If this worked out Councilman Parrish will be outed as a saboteur. If it does not work then we will be embarrassed. Now what Councilman Parrish does to us after the debacle might be a cause for some alarm.

I made my way slowly across the room toward where Elo was stationed. He looked slightly agitated and continued to stare at the far door.

"Elo sweetheart, you okay?" I asked settling next to him.
"I am fine Koren," he answered

"Well, you look as if you wish to throw up." I accused

"It's just I am a little nervous Koren. Councilman Parrish has had his eyes glued to us all night. What if he is already planning something?" Elo questioned

"I am sure he is, that is why we must be quicker than him. Do I have to worry about you?" I asked

"I am not the one that you need to worry about," Elo stated motioning towards Ren.

I had noticed far before Elo had said anything. Ren was...distracted.

I was well aware of his unconventional relationship with Lee. The woman was not picky with her lovers. The issue I had was who she was..... Lee Parrish. The youngest daughter of Councilman Parrish. At the young age of twenty-one, she has bedded more people than we could count. Councilman Parrish regarded her as his sweet innocent daughter, he held no love for any of us in the harem, to begin with. If he were to find out about Ren's relationship with his daughter we would be up shit creek without a paddle.

It looks as if that might be the case. Lee was hanging off Ren as if her life depended on it. I did wonder where he was last night and early this morning, but it looks as if my question was answered.

My biggest concern was having Allayna see it. She was not as accepting or understanding as we are, the second she sees Lee all over Ren I fear she will get upset.

"I will handle him," I said already making my way towards Ren.

"Ren, honey a word," I said sweetly

Lee tightened her grip on his arm, but I was not to be swayed.

"What's wrong Koren?" Ren asked stupidly

"Please excuse us," I said to Lee as I grabbed her hand and wrenched it from Ren's arm. I quickly snatched him up dragging him to the other side of the room.

"Koren, what is the deal?" He asked in obvious irritation.

"Ren I need you to activate your brain here. I don't know if you forgot, but we have more important things to worry about. We do not have time for you and Lee to act like long-lost lovers." I fussed

"Kor-" He tried

"Imagine if Allayna sees you both like that. She is not as tolerant as I am. Lest we forget she is the official Queen and can punish you for your actions." I reminded

"She could, but she won't," Ren stated

"Oh because you're so great? Cut the shit out Ren," I hissed

"Look she is a good source of information, Koren. It's all harmless." Ren tried

"Ren, sinking into her pussy like a man starved it NOT harmless. "

Ren cringed at those words.

" I get it I will tell Lee to settle down," He agreed before walking off.

I kept my eye on him hoping he truly told her to lay off. I refused to let him ruin this and put Allayna in danger.

He quickly spoke with Lee and walked away leaving Lee quietly fuming in her place.

I had no clue what his deal was, but he always got like this after visiting Lee. It was as if she had a spell on him.

Suddenly the trumpets sounded and the lights dimmed considerably which meant the queen was to be announced.

Immediately the room lit up with what I at first assumed to be sparklers, but as my eyes adjusted I realized I was very wrong. Right in front of the door lay a large wall of orange flames that only seemed to get larger. The guests immediately ran for the other door effectively blocking up the exit.

"Koren what do we do?" Prish asked panic clear on his face. I rounded up Elo and Ren and pushed them away from the only safe exit in the room.

"Ari showed me something once before. When we were younger and wished to escape those boring parties." I explained the large deep purple curtain that hung right behind the thrones held a simple brick wall. Though right at the edge was a small door that seemed to blend seamlessly into the wall. I pushed slightly causing it to click open. I opened it wider motioning everyone inside.

"Make a sharp left that should lead us past the burning door. " I called

The space was fairly large like a series of old forgotten tunnels.

They were dank and dark with various webs and unidentifiable liquids dripping down the walls. I quickly led them to the left and down the dark hall. At the end, you could see the outline of a small door. I pushed it open leading us to the hallway right outside the ballroom. The door was well hidden by large velvet curtains and various decorations.

I leaned out from behind a particularly large statue and zeroed in on the door.

I saw her immediately looking glorious in her dress her beautiful face contorted in fear.

"Allayna!" I called

She immediately turned to me before a guard attempted to jerk her in another direction.

"What on earth? Let me go!" She yelled

"Your majesty we must-

"No thank you." She stated sternly before walking towards Grisha.

She grabbed Grisha's wrist and dragged her in our direction.

"Good girl!" I exclaimed

Elo quickly enveloped her in his arms before dragging her back toward the tunnels.

I ushered Grisha along and managed to shut and lock the door before the guard could see where we disappeared to.

"What is this?" Allayna asked as soon as the door shut.

"This is how we will not die," I answered leading the entire group into the deep dark depths of the palace.

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