Chapter 20

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"It is not nice to point Lynnie, Mother taught us that," He chastised.

His words triggered a powerful reaction in me. Immediately I could see once again the younger version of me. I was pointing at something in the distance. The woman, the one that looked just like me, gently patted my hand.

"It's not nice to point dear," She said his voice so soft and gentle.

"Mother?" I wonder aloud tears streaming down my face

'why was I crying?'

"My mother? Is she the woman I keep seeing?" I asked the man directly

"There is a lot to explain Endolynn," He replied

" I had dreams? Dreams of a younger version of you and me and her. Our mother"

"I should let you two talk," Ari said as he turned to leave.

I watched as Ari slowly exited the room. He moved so slow it was as if he was hoping I would ask him to stay. I considered it for a moment, but I knew this was something I and I alone needed to hear. I still felt a bit of betrayal in my heart. He knew this and he never told me.

The man sat down at the chair to the right of me.

"What is your name?" I asked

"It's Erin,"

Once again my mind conjured a memory.

5 year old me running in the field of flowers. The boy running right ahead of me, he was with others two more that looked like us.

" Erinai! Erinai wait!" I called him

He finally stopped and waited for me to catch up.

"You are so slow Lynn," He chastised before taking my hand and dragging me along with him.

"The others are already there," He said

"Erinai," I whispered

"Yes, though I hated my real name,"

"Erinai, but I like that name," I complimented

"You always did. You used to tell mom that you wanted to switch names with me," He answered his smile wide and genuine. His eyes held a faraway look as if he was reveling in his memories.

"You seem to remember so much,"

"I do, I just wish you remembered it,"

"W-Why don't I remember?"

Erin sighed heavily. He was obviously weary about answering this question.

"It was a desperate time,"

"In order to ensure you would never be found out they decided to...alter your memories. In hindsight, it was a terrible idea, but at the time everyone thought it was the only way to keep you safe. It's not like I had a say in it. I was just a few years older than you,"

"Why weren't you brainwashed," I asked

Brainwashed might have not been the best way to explain it. It was like the memories were shut away locked away deep in my mind. I was not sure what could have triggered it, but it seems they are starting to flood in.

"I was, but it wasn't as effective as yours. Like I said I was older my memories were developed further than yours. In the end, my memories started to resurface a few years later. A few years after that I remembered everything, every little detail,"

"Why am I just now remembering?" I asked

"I am not sure, trauma perhaps? A near-death experience could be the answer. They say you went to the realm in between life and death, from there one can access anything even forgotten memories," Erin answered

It was not necessarily an answer to my question, but I accepted it without fuss. It would seem Erin knew as much as I did about this memory-erasing thing.

"I want to know everything. Tell me my story,"

"It will be a long one,"

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