Chapter 6

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The room was too bright. Every lantern lit and every window opened wide. I sat in the corner a half-finished painting in front of me. I had made a mess these last few days. I did not leave my room once and sat in my corner working on these cursed paintings.

Paints were all over the place. I had no change from my paint-stained trousers and shirt in days.

The paintings left a heavy dose of embarrassment in my heart, especially when I finally had to paint Allon's big, stupid, penis.

Though I did not make any appearance outside of my room I did manage to get a lot of work done on those paintings. Ever critical of my skills I did not consider any of them done, but I did make headway with each.

I managed to swallow a record six croissants in a short span of time when I heard pounding at my door.
"Lady Allayna please for the love of the gods come from your room!"

Grisha sounded distressed, which was not uncommon these days.

I groaned as I turned to stand from the stool. I had been sitting there far too long and my body was achy and stiff. I picked my way toward the door, kicking around a plate of something or another in the process.

"Was it too much to let me wallow?" I call still trying to get to the door

I did not realize how messy the room had become.

"What is taking so long? You have not left your room in days. I can only imagine how bad it smells in there!"

I rushed to the door just stomping on whatever was in my way. I threw open the door and dragged Grisha inside.

"Inside voice no need to yell!" I hissed

Grisha laughed as I looked both ways down the hall to make sure it was clear before slamming the door shut.

"It smells rank in here!"

Grisha was holding her nose, her pretty face pinched in disgust.

"It's not that bad"

Grisha picked around the room, her face never relaxing.

She finally opened the door to the bathroom and I saw her face morph into a rage.

"Not that bad! My goodness, it is disgusting here! How foul!" She yelled

She looked at me for a moment as if expecting an explanation. But to be very honest I had no explanation.

She sighed heavily before grabbing me.

"Grisha! I never!" I yelled as she rid me of my dirty and old clothing

"Go to the big bath right now. I want no excuses!"

"But-" I tried

"Go!" Grisha roared.

I flinched and scurried off like a sad puppy.

I was wrapped in a robe and that was all I had as I made my way down the empty hallway. It was late and the hall was lit dimly by lanterns. It cast dancing shadows across the walls. The scene gave me chills and I did not want to spend any more time in that hall.

The bath was a large steamy room made of white stone. It was often used by everyone else, my room being the only one with its own bathroom.

The water was warm and swirls of steam lifted from the blue waters. The color made it seem like it would be cold, but as I stuck a toe in I found it the perfect temperature.

I quickly collected some supplies from the storage, A hairbrush, some oil, soap, and body scrub. Once I had everything I dropped my robe and entered the heated depths. It felt great to finally take a bath. I had let paint and grime collect a little too long.

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