Chapter 24

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I was sick and tired of being in bed. My chest pain had subsided but only slightly.

I felt that if I stayed in this bed it would just get worse. My breathing was labored and I could feel a suffocating pressure the longer I laid down.

I struggled greatly but managed to swing my legs around and sit up straight on the edge of the bed. I waited until the pain and throbbing stopped before I attempted to stand.

I had to hold on to the end table in order to not fall but after I gathered my bearings I managed to slowly walk towards the bathroom.

I had been living off cloth baths for the last few days and I really needed a hot bath. I struggled to get everything prepared and it was at this time I wished Grisha was here. She had been on my mind lately and I inquired with my parents as to where she was.

"Perhaps it is not a good time for her to leave the palace" Father tried

I was hoping that was the case. I would never forgive myself if Grisha has gotten hurt or worse in the attack.

Once I had sunk into the tub I felt the sting in my chest, but I refused to get out.

As I soaked I could see the blood turning the water red. For some reason, it did not bother me as much as it should have. Something about the bloody water enthralled me. I found myself ripping at the bandages on my chest making the blood gush from the wound.

I had ripped the stitching and the open gash streamed into the water.

It was so much blood that the water was cloudy with it.

I stared at it unseeing. I was so distracted I did not hear my name being called nor did I hear someone knocking at the door.

I was ripped from my daydream when I felt someone wrap their arms under my breasts and haul me from the tub.

I looked around in bewilderment Koren looked angry as he unplugged the tub. Elo was quickly grabbing something to soak up the blood still coming from my chest.

I turned slightly to see Mir was the one holding me.

He carried me back to the bed and I said nothing as they cleaned me off and hurriedly grabbed a doctor to restitch and redress the wound.

I still said nothing as I was once again lying in bed.

Koren had angrily walked out a while ago and Mire and Elo just sat by the bed in silence.

"Allayna" Elo tried

"I do not want to talk about it"

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