Chapter 43

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It's like someone ripped my heart right out of my chest. I was hoping it wasn't real but the more he stood there cold eyes glaring at me the more I realized I was being naive.

When I had first seen him looming over me I had hoped it was a dream. Allon could and would never do this to me.

"How could you do this to me?" I wondered aloud tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"It's simple Ari, Allon betrayed you. He brought me the king and soon will bring me the queen and I will have their heads stuffed and hung in my chambers."

I cringed at his words.

"Well say something will you? Or are you ashamed you allowed yourself to be bamboozled?" He chuckled

I grit my teeth and slowly looked up ignoring the king completely. My eyes zeroed in on Allon standing there trying to look unfazed.

"I'm not ashamed, I am disgusted. I allowed a piece of shit like you to get close to my family and the people I love." I growled

Allon's mask of indifference slipped just slightly for a moment. He looked almost sad, painfully so.

I softened my gaze even if he was a traitor I still felt love in my heart for him.

I turned my gaze to the floor refusing to engage anymore. The king yammered out more and more but at this point, I stopped listening and reacting. Once the king realized he wasn't going to get a reaction he ordered me to be returned to my prison.

I was emotionally exhausted but I also knew I needed to get out of there and find Tori unless he betrayed me as well.


My back was in pain my head was pounding and I could not go long without emptying my stomach.

I hung over the edge of the carriage letting the chilly wind cool down my heated skin.

"Allayna sweetie how are you?" Prish asked

"Death would be preferable at this point, but I am fine." I groan

"This was a poor idea. You are in no position to be out like this." Elo fussed

I groaned again before speaking "This is just a side effect of being pregnant. Women have to live like this every day. This is nothing." I answer

Prish rubbed my back slowly " Maybe we should stop in the next town." Prish suggested

"We are coming up on Fetville we can stop for the night there," Koren suggested

"No! We need to get to Mir quickly. We cannot afford it to keep stopping." I fussed

"We have to be careful-" Elo tried

"There is no point! How much time have we already wasted? It is a three-day journey into the next kingdom. From there it's 2 day's journey to Mir's location. We push on as long as we can go." I ordered

It was silent for a moment before Elo spoke up.

"As you wish your majesty." He replied bitterly.

I sighed sitting back in my seat. It was obvious I upset him, but I didn't have the capacity to deal with his emotions right now.

Once we got to Oventon we stopped.

We had already decided it would be easier to cross the border through there because the waterways were loosely guarded. It was a small fishing village right on the border between the kingdoms, or at least it was supposed to be

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